Best bang-for-buck purchase you have made?

For me, it was buying a pair of used Magnepan MG-12 speakers for $550.00 from a dealer in Oregon. I had heard the 1.6 before, but not the smaller 12's. These speakers have TOTALLY changed the way I listen to music - I may eventually upgrade to larger Maggies, but I think I will always keep the 12's around.

What about the rest of you?
I think I would vote for Odyssey audio with their mono extreme se amps and the man behind the scene Klaus.
A "Trends Audio" USB to AES/EBU converter for about 200 bucks to attach my laptop to my Zanden DAC. A bit more expensive than the Hagermann, but creating less listener fatigue after long listening bouts, for reasons I still have to find out....
Linn turntable,dynavector 505 arm and dynavector ruby cartridge all thrown free with my first major purchase of electrostatic speakers and threshold electronics 30yrs ago.
Otherwise, a (tested) perfect luxman R117 receiver with remote for $125 on ebay and my (9/10) magnepan 1.6 QR speakers for less than half list price.
Two pairs of Apex signature speaker wires (purchased from on line reviewer) as well as my Cogen Hall EM digital cable. ( I will never part with these cables). In retrospect, these were more of a gift than a sale from the prior owner.