bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners

hi, I have the cd2 transport dac 3 digital front end, and next week I am going to add the new vps power supply, which takes place of the power supply in both the cd2 and dac 3, has any one out there done this yet ? is it worth the money ? I know that better power supplies make about anything sound better, but this is a $2,000 upgrade so I hope its worth it ! thanks, chris
Is this upgrade done by Bel Canto?

My DAC3 had an exceptionally low noise floor, with great resolution, using a Kubala AES/EBU Digital Cable, which I thought was great.

What is the rest of your system like?
Digital Cable type and brand?
Do you have more than one digital source plugged into the DAC3?
Are you using a Preamp or the DAC3 Volume Control?

What are you not happy with with the way your system sounds now?

OK, I'm with ya..., Certainly good Stuff!

I posted some questions awaiting moderator approval, but I see that you've answered some of them already. If you could answer some of the others forthcoming, I may have some other possible suggestions for you.

I love the DAC3 too, but what do feel you're not getting out of your system, that needs improvement. Black background, resolution, detail? Depth?

Digital cable brand/input type? How many inputs are plugged into the DAC3?
Are you using the Variable Volume or fixed volume on the DAC3, or external preamp?

hi, its not that I dont like my system. I do. but, it can always be better ! I have 2 sources pluged into my dac 3, my cd 2, and my playstation, which I turn off when i listen.I have tried five or six digital cables, i like the wireword gold eclipse aes ebu the best so far. I also use the dac three directly into the rogue m150s, at some point i will get a pre amp, because some day i will add a turntable to my system, but for the moment its cd only. I am pretty shure that this [the power supply upgrade] is a case of better sounding, not just different sounding. thats why I am considering this. thanks, chris
I was wondering if you have any hiss, coming from your amp, when the volume is turned up, but no music is playing.

It's kind of strange, because my DAC3 was deadly quiet.

One thing I did notice was that, if another cable was plugged into the DAC3, (in your example it would be the playstation) then I found it decreased the quality of the output on the DAC3, even if the other item was off. By the way I noticed this with my MBL DAC also, maybe it's me.

I have a Wireworld gold digital Coax on hand that I use on a squeezebox in the bedroom, I thought it sounded a little thin and lean in my opinion. I have tried it on the DAC3 when I owned it, and I've also tried it on the MBL DAC and I've compared a few other high-end digital cables and the Kubala Emotion AES/EBU is absolutely phenomenal and it's the best one i tried, including some others that were double the price. I actually kept it even though I went to a much more expensive MBL DAC. It is very balanced from top to bottom, very musical, analog-like, and involving, with deep tight bass, with a very dark background that is inaudible. It has resolution and transparency without sacrificing musicality.

I also felt that the DAC3 sounded better driving an Amp from it's balanced outputs.

If you ever get a Preamp, remember to put the volume all the way up on the DAC3, before pressing in the fixed volume button in the back of the unit. It makes a huge difference.

Good Luck, If you decide to go with the upgraded power supply. I agree with you that it usually helps, however keep in mind that Bel Canto Gear is pretty robust already.

Your used DAC3 is worth about $1600, so I don't think that I would invest another $2000 into it, you'll never be able to recover your investment. I would personally rather put that money into a Music Server or Logitech Transporter.

If I were you, I would leave the DAC3 as is, because I think it's great, and then when you're ready to jump into the Higher Resolution Audio Formats 24bit/192kHz, you could sell the DAC3 for $1600 and then add your $2000 and see what you could get in the Music Server/DAC $3000-$4000 range that can handle 24Bit/192kHz Audio.

Excellent advice – and very obviously the logical approach. You really need to check out some of the latest offerings by companies who are making great headway in the development of digital playback and the different methods that are available for executing computer audio (i.e.: computer-based, component-based/network server-based). I recommend visiting this site,hereto learn more about implementing high-end digital. I think you can better invest your $2,000.