bel canto dac 3 cd 2 owners

hi, I have the cd2 transport dac 3 digital front end, and next week I am going to add the new vps power supply, which takes place of the power supply in both the cd2 and dac 3, has any one out there done this yet ? is it worth the money ? I know that better power supplies make about anything sound better, but this is a $2,000 upgrade so I hope its worth it ! thanks, chris
one more thing, the only time that I have heard apple lossless, was through the wadia ipod dock into the dac three, in direct head to head comparisons the cd2 playing the same cuts that was burned to the I pod , the apple lossless lost badly, it was not even close , the old fashioned transport won hands down. thanks, chris
Hi Chris:

I have taken a interest in this thread and found like yourself a similar path had developed with me, so I took the opportunity to view all the recent correspondence.

I have always felt traditional Red CD could not be replaced by streaming until I experimented with the Squeeze box. I also tried the wadia 170i dock with a tri-vista 21 DAC and found the sound thin and differently not up to my Mark Levinson 37 transport output to my tri-vista 21.

However a Squeeze box 3 digital output to my tri-vista 21 with a upgraded P/S by Andrew Ross, the sound is very close and so close that I fell it does not justify me investing any more into Red book cd format. I tried many cd transports including Wadia.

I am in the process of upgrading my music server to a Logitech Transporter which I am support to receive today.

Whenever I want to spin a disc I will continue to enjoy my Vinyl set-up.

Good luck with your decision.

enjoy music!
Thank you , audiogalore, Its nice to see that you have had the same experience with the wadia, most people who read my observations think I’m nuts, but if you heard what I did , you would agree. I have not heard your system , with your equipment however, and I’m not suprised you have found a better way of doing things. At some point in the future I would like to hear a moderately priced music server, a friend has the soloos but it is out of my price range. I would like a way to listen to hi rez formats when more music becomes available that way, but to listen to Redbook I will stick to the transport I already own. Thanks for the tips, Chris
Also, the point of me starting this thread was to see if anybody out there has had any experience with upgrading the power supply of their digital gear , and what differences sonically did it make, not for advice on different gear. I know companies like NAIM have power supply upgrades , Mod companies like Great Northern Sound make their living off of such things, so is it worth it, could it be just different sounding, or truly better ? Thanks for the advice, Chris
Ok, so after talking with bel canto I decided to get the upgrade. They said it would take a little while to break in, but should still sound better than before right away.
They were right. Within the first song i had a smile on my face, this was better sounding, and if it actually gets better, holy crap! Its fantastic sounding so far, i will post more on actual differences once its broken in more. I have a friend who has the same cd2 dac 3 combo, so we can do side by side tests, and will let everyone know how it turns out, thanks , Chris