Sound Comparison of an Ayre CX7e vs. BAT D5

Has anyone compared the sound of an Ayre CX7e vs. BAT D5 (reg or SE)? I am looking on the used market for a new CD player

I have a BAT 3iX preamp, BAT VK55amp, Vandersteen 2ci speakers. I like a warm natural open sound. I am not looking for anything to be exaggerated or clinical for example. I listen mainly to classical and vocals.


thanks for the input and the advice. I wasn't aware of this information.

I have heard the D5 with my setup and it sounds fantastic. I considered the Ayre for I had heard so many wonderful things about it and wanted to cover my bases before purchasing anything.

Thanks for pointing out the miscolored tray. I am wondering if that is a repair for I have heard that some people have had problems with the trays on the D5.

Regarding the Burr chip I think SimAudio uses it in their Supernova player as well

thanks for the suggestion of Esoteric. I had not heard of it and will certainly give it a listen. I didn't realize that Esoteric was a division of Teac.

When you said low end. Do you mean low end of the esoteric line?