Remote Control of Itunes

I have a Mac Mini with an external hard drive and run itunes. I know I can control itunes on the mini with my iphone or ipod touch using the "remote" app; however, I want to control itunes full screen from an external laptop. Anyone know if that is possible?

I'm not wanting to stream the music through the laptop, just use the laptop from my listening chair to control itunes on my mini as if I were standing in front of it. I could use either an apple or a PC laptop.

Thanks, Peter

OS/X doesn't support Windows' Remote Desktop protocol. You need a VNC client.
Thanks Sidssp for the info..that's a bummer! OSX is supposed
to do it all. lol..;-)
Thanks Mingles, I was playing around with the Real VNC today. It works well for me. Unlike Windows remote that is fine for music, but not enough options for movie playback. I want to be able to play movies off the remote PC as well without locking the screens out. Windows remote PC locks both of my remote extended screens out when I log in to my main HTPC.

I think the real VNC and a Archos 9 will work nicely for me doing remote music and movies.

The real VNC allows me to see both of my monitors(main and extended) on the remote computer...very cool!
That's great news about RealVNC. Did you try setting up screen sharing in OS X? I'm curious if that works.