Simaudio Supernova vs Oracle CD 1500 MK II

I'm asking for any impressions of these two CD Players- compared to each other. I've heard the Supernova-though not one fully broken in-and was quite impressed. I've never heard the Oracle CD 1500 Mk II but have a soft spot for the company, as I really like their Oracle V TT. My integrated amp is the Simaudio Moon i-7. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Thanks for the feedback! My hunch is that the Supernova might be a touch warmer than the Oracle CPD after break in even.....and maybe this is not a bad thing.
Reviews seem to suggest that the Supernova does a digital-free warm sound well while still getting across some recording differences. Reviews also suggest that the Oracle is more on the revealing -to-ruthless side around highlighting recording differences, depending on your ancillaries- and probably does dynamics and details a touch better.
One factor is that I'd like a unit that comes to it's full sonic potential after plugged in cold with as little time as possible as it shares an outlet with my TT.
According to Oracle their CPD takes only 30-60 minutes to reach sonic potential whereas Simaudio says that the Supernova needs at least 3-5 hours. I don't use power conditioners because they make my sound far worse-I lose too much in the way of dynamics.
I have Supernova cd player. They recommend the unit be turned on at all times...I haven't heard too many cd players in my system, but Supernova doesn't strike me like it has digital-free warm sound.
Hi Branislav,
So the Supernova is quite neutral once it breaks in- and reveals poor recordings?
I think it's a great cd player but it depende what you're looking for in a cd player. My system lacked speed, clarity and dynamics. After acquiring Supernova, I eliminated these's all about synergy. I don't think it sugarcoats poor recordings but I don't think bad recordings sound worse now than with my previous cd player. Hope that helps...