Shunyata Venom PS8 Power Distributor?

Has any one tried the new PS8 Power Distributor from Shunyata? Just picked a new viper ztron power cord, and was shocked by the difference it made on the amp! I have a cary tube amp and 303T SACD cd player. I am probably going to try Venom-HC Power Cord for the cd player or another viper. But need a power distributer/ surge protector first. I was in the dealer and he suggested the Shunyata Venom PS8 Power Distributor. Because of the current my amp draws plus the cd player and price! I was Considering the HYDRA AV POWER CONDITIONER over then the venom PS8 but people say the the Hydra AV is a power conditioner. Which most people say is not suited for tube amps.

-Has any one tried both the Shunyata Hydra AV over the venom ps8?
-Whats the differences?
-Would The Ztron Viper power cord make the venom ps8 perform better then the Venom HC cord that is matched for it?
The first question...

I have not. I'd be curious to hear if someone did.

Unfortunately, for Shunyata, there are 2 products that cost less, act similarly, and have lots of good said about them.

I'm sure the "r&d" costs of designing a "power distributer" are quite high (/sarcasm end), but the other two products have been around a while, have alot of good things said about them, and in the case of the PPC, the user can upgrade the outlets if you wished to tweak it some.

This means that most likely, unless an AV magazine reviews one, no one but Shunyata users are going to buy them, and most of them between their Triton's and Hydra's probably have enough outlets already. Some brave fellow might come forward with some extra cash, taken by the looks and the want of one day owning a Shunyata, use it, report on it, and we might find out it's the best thing ever (though, I doubt it.)

Anyway, onto the second question.

Yes, upgrading the power cable on ANY power strip will affect the sonics, hopefully positively. I used a noisetrapper revelation with a Python Alpha Helix, a Venom 3, and finally use it with a Pangea AC9-SE, and every switch made an audible difference in sound. System noise, when plugged into a wall, didn't change drastically for me between cables, but the sonic signature sure did.
Have brought it, very worthy the money.
The overall sound became more nature and did scarefice the dynamic and bass.
I have a Shunyata Venom PS8 and love it. Wonderful Musicality and increase in dynamics. Did not dull the dynamics, blunt the highs, and color the sound like PS Audio P-5 and Dectet did.

Now on to a dedicated power line...
I have a Shunyata Venom PS8 and love it. Wonderful Musicality and increase in dynamics. Did not dull the dynamics, blunt the highs, and color the sound like PS Audio P-5 and Dectet did.

Now on to a dedicated power line..."

Interesting! I have a shunyata Defender on order and while the PS8 isn't in the budget at the moment, I've decide not to try a WireWorld Matrix II but went ahead and ordered the Cable Pro Revelation II. I have a Dectet in the system now and while I like it its time to see what else is out there. I have two 20amp dedicated lines one with a PS Audio Soloist Premier inwall conditioner and the other has only the Premier receptical.I'm wondering if I'll find the same conclusions or if the PS8 is needed to do so but if the Cable Pro pulls it off it will be more than half saved!