Oppo BDP-83 optical out for 2ch stereo from blu-r?

OK, this may be a dumb question, but for the best sound from blu-ray (or dvd) discs should I go with the Oppo 83's analog stereo outs to my preamp, or use it's optical digital output into my outboard dac? Note that I do not have muti-channel capability, my stereo rig is 2 channel only. I am using the Oppo 83 for blu-ray, not as a cd player. For example, a concert on blu-ray disc. Would a HMDI audio de-embedder (hmdi-to-optical digital spdif) converter be something I should look into? Any advice on how to get the best 2 channel sound out of the blu-ray player would be appreciated.
It makes no sense that this is a question at all via you are not running surround format.. 2 Channel the easy answer is regardless of format, 16 bit 2 channel stereo vs. 24/196 for a movie going thru 2 channel systems matters not.

Take a connection to your DAC which should be far superior using the oppo as a transport running 2 channel which bypasses all the decoding B.S. in the unit, and run a 2 channel analog line separate into another input on your preamp and then you can compare which you like better by hitting a button to switch on the fly between them both. I would test this running standard 2 channel CD, and DVD movies, Movies I can guarantee will make virutally no difference, however CD for music should be superior thru your DAC setup via optical considering you have some top grade gear with wadia and Weiss.

This is the easiest and best A-B test you can do, then you get to hear the oppo as it translates the format and without even getting up from your chair or changing the music get a nearly instant comparison on drums, vocals etc...

Thru both D-A convesion methods.By the way Blu-Ray concert DVD's are far superior from my testing running thru a good DAC in 2 channel. Otherwise you need some seriously good multi channel systems to beat a superior 2 channel setup, not that it can't be done, but you gotta fill a room with a lot more speakers, wires and gear to come close. And room acoustics become even a bigger mess to get right. Don't get all caught up in the hype of high numbered D-A conversions etc..

It all comes down to how well that Blu ray or CD or SACD was mixed and produced on the recoding itself and how it ends up sounding on what your equipment is superior at re-producing not what the specs. say trust me on this.
Good Luck
I haven't done the A/B listening yet, my Oppo and my stereo rig are 3 meters apart. I have the 3 meter glass toslink, not the 3 meter analog ic's. I thought I'd get some opinions before I sprang for a pair. BTW, I won't be using the Oppo as a cdp, I have the Wadia 860x for that. The Oppo will be used for blu-ray & dvd, many of which are concert recordings. Thanks for your input!
Thats fine, I understand you have some hi end gear and cables, which means you can easily hook up the toslink and not the analog, I just highly suggest you still try it this way even with 6 dollar 3 meter walmart/radio shack analog cables to get an idea if you are really looking for blu ray being better thru the DAC or oppo.. I would just run the optical to your dac, bet is it will be just as good or better.
Again, let me point out that for a Blu-Ray disc, the user must select the 2 channel sound track if that option exists. If not, the 2 channel output, analog or digital, will be a mixdown of variable quality.

With blu ray specifically I have not found this to be true, in movies it may have a slight effect on dialog, however 100% of the blu ray "Concert DVDS" specifically I don't have a single one that does not come with a 2 channel downmix in the menu..

Acutually from my experience so far with my setup which in the past was not true of standard DVD blu ray 2 channel even thru the digital outs does not vary at all from the multi-track option. Why? Not sure accept that in the new technlogy and format of making the blu ray discs they have seemed to somehow auto-sense regardless and your front 2 main channels are going to always be mixed with full range frequency.

Again this is not true with DVD, for example I can take your new Harry potter Blu ray or whatever which has Zero audio options but true HD surround or whatever and put it on with NO subwoofers, No center channel, and just running on the mains I still get as good or better explosion impact, and dialog with less channels and equal to running it thru HDMI to a multi channel processor! Since these revelations and the importance to me in specific of do I care as much about Transformers making it as accurate sound as possible like a mountain coming down in my house? I have decided movies are not that critical and the concert DVD's and music is far more necessary to get the attention and money.

Again this was never the case with Standard DVD, and definitely a KILLER with concert DVD's that if you were running the concert in 5.1 or 7.1 it sounded very hollow or totally aenimic in power output compared to using the 2 channel mix.

I am sure depending on the source, the processor, etc... This will all vary system to system to some degree. Again today digital has advanced far beyond 5 or 10 years ago and is cheaper, less and less issues with audio mixes have been the normal in my case recently with new releases over the past few years.