Why are there so many Mac users?

I am gradually thinking of going the all-digital route, and to that effect I've started reading a lot of threads about all-digital systems.
One thing I noticed is that many audiophiles with such systems are using either a Mac Mini, iMac or other Mac products.
Are there any major reasons for doing so? What advantages do Macs have over PCs (aside from looks)?
I am trying to soak in all the information I can gather on the subject, so thanks for enlightening me!

Mac provides a far more stable, user-friendly platform. The OS is more reliable (10.5.x ). iTunes is native to the OS. MacMini provides a quiet, reliable, proven piece of hardware to run your music library from. Setup of wireless interfacing as well as all peripherals is far easier on a Mac. Everything about the Mac is far more instinctual and user-friendly. Every time I get on a PC I wonder why anyone would put themselves through this when there is a Mac option?! From a design standpoint, as well as a hardware integration standpoint (computer>base station>iPhone>iPod>anything and everything Apple makes) is seamless, simple and reliable, and beautifully designed. Customer services is second to none (Apple Store / Genius Bar / Tutoring / Phone Support / etc.). Music hardware and software and integration of all is a high priority for Apple and it shows in everything they do.

Disadvantages include: Software range is narrower than PC. EAC is a PC-only ripping software that is arguably the best available (better error-correction than itunes). Hardware can be less expensive - though one could argue Mac is better made and more reliable than most cheap PC options, and with the better PC options that price gap closes fast, especially when comparing apples to apples....er, that didn't come out right...two computers with similar features and add-ons. I think PC is still a bit cheaper. Gee, can't really think of anything else. I guess if you are a gamer you definitely want a PC.
And looks has absolutely nothing do with it. Jax2 has pretty much summed it up.