Linn Klimax DS. How good is it?

Hi all. My first post. Anyway, building up a system for last months since we moved to a new house.

Started with the digital source that I best liked and frmo there went to a right combo of speakers and pre-amp, that would sound well together. You can see in my system choices I made: Esoteric X01-d2, Classe CP-700 pre, Classe CAM-400 monoblocks, and B&W 802D.

From there went with speaker cables, interconnects, conditioner and power cords. After many alternatives and extensive listening, (plus a couple of what proved to be wrong purchases) went all Synergistic Research.

NOw that what I would call the core of the system is done, I want to add two more sources. First one streaming solution and later on will see if I get into analog or not.

So regarding Streaming I was wondering: anyone heard the Klimax DS from Linn? I've read nice reviews of it, for what they are worth, and some very positive opinions of "all Linn systems" owners. Have not read many from no Linn customers, like me, who added this piece into their systems.

To all of them. What do you think of this device? How would you describe the sound of it? How does the sound quality compare to the Esoteric, if anyone had the chance to listen to both? Do you think it will be a good fit into my system?

Any feedback to the above questions, or general info based on personla listening will be very welcomed.

Thanks in advance
I don't think it is a question of being good, but is it $16,000 or so better than some of the other solutions out there like the Logitech Transporter.
I love the Slim devices gears. I myself have a system of 6 running all over my house. Also listened to the transporter for a while. Although I do think it is a very good piece of hardware, it felt quite short of the performance of my Esoteric X01-D2. It's convenient and its cool, but I was looking for a streaming solution that could deliver superior performance than my current digital source.

It won't sound 8 times better, that's for sure. Exactly the same as the transporter does not sound 10 times better than the Classic or the Duet. That's not really the point of what I'm trying to learn. I would like to now how it compares to other digital sources at similar or superior price tags, and how would one describe the sounds it produces.

Also if someone has experience regarding integration and synergy of this Linn device with other non Linn system.