is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?

sorry if this has been discussed, i read review that said the dac sounds better cx7e mp, not sure if this is true, i like the ayre sound, and contemplating whether to get the dac+mac or the cdp.
I haven't heard the cx7e, but I listened to the 5XE and the QB-9 with B & W 803D speakers and Ayre K5 amp and preamp. I also heard the qb-9 with Wilson Maxx speakers and Audio Research amps (sorry, don't know which ones), the 5xe with Wilson Sasha speakers and agree, to some extent, with Cerrot's opinion above. I actually did like the qb-9 though, if the right equipment was matched with this dac I think it would sound very good. Only when comparing with a more expensive cd player did it show it's weakness. With the Ayre amps and B&W speakers, it was warm sounding with good detail, nice soundstaging. Of course this was my opinion, others may not have liked it, but I thought for the price it was very enjoyable to listen to. Sandra
To my ears, in my system, the CX-7eMP and QB-9 are pretty close overall. The QB-9 sounds a bit more open and immediate but also a bit smoothed over, perhaps a hair less dynamic. I'd call it a draw, overall. It's impossible, however, to farily compare the two because the computer *must* be part of the equation for the QB-9 and there are boatloads of variables that affect computer playback (all the hardware combos, OS, msic player, power supply and on and on). I still need to try 1) different music players (eg, Jplay, JRMC, etc); 2) upgrade USB cable; 3) linear power supply; 4) SOtM USB card. I'm hopeful that the QB-9 will outperform the CX-7 after I get the computer "optimized". In the meantime, the CX-7 can't play hi-rez material even tho' it is far easier to use than ripping/tagging/organizing/backing-up music files.
In my system, my QB-9 is better than my C5xeMP.

And it's outperformed other CX5s & CS7s (and for that matter - every CDP regardless of cost) on various locations where I was voicing a system.

I believe (not stated as fact, just opinion) that much of this is so system dependent - cables, computers, optimization of computer & files, music players, etc.

So I'm not sure if any of our opinions count for much except how the components worked in THAT system.
According to Ayre the C5exMP has the QB9 built in, same DAC. I run my C5MP into an Audio Research DAC8 with stunning results.

Shouldn't that be the DX5 and not the C5exMP?

The C5 doesn't have USB input.

I understand the DX5 actually has a better analog stage than the QB9.