is ayre qb-9 dac better than cx7e mp?

sorry if this has been discussed, i read review that said the dac sounds better cx7e mp, not sure if this is true, i like the ayre sound, and contemplating whether to get the dac+mac or the cdp.
The connection itself is inferior... and, no, I am talking about your ignorance sir.
You have not answered my question. What USB DACs have you used that have allowed you to come to such a conclusion? Certainly you must have vast experience in order to make such a sweeping generalization.
Wow Audiofreak, the silence is deafening! Still waiting for that long list of USB DACs you have experienced that have allowed you to determine they are inferior. Surely your bravado must have some substance behind it?
i wouldn't put too much time into his responses, almost every DAC thread has his name on it mentioning the same LINN DAC's as significantly better than any other. I think he's vested somehow...either dealer, importer, or employee.

Either way it doesn't really matter and detracts from the thread of comparing the qb9 to the c7xe.

I have not heard the c7xe but have had the qb9 in my system at one point. I'm definitiely partial to computer based front ends now so on connection options only i would choose the qb9 over the c7xe. I believe shy of the dx5 though the qb9 should employ the best Ayre has in their lineup.
Thanks for your input Jcote. Audiofreak certainly has his agenda, whatever the reason.

Isn't the DAC in the DX5 the same one as in the QB9? I always kind of thought of the DX5 as a C5xeMP and QB9 in one chassis.

Like you I am committed to computer audio. To my ears, my Mac mini through Wavelength Cosecant has been a revelation in digital audio - my first digital front end that can give analogue a run for its money - and that includes my previous Ayre C5xeMP player.

And it's so nice (albeit potentially quite expensive) to be able to download high res albums in minutes rather than having to get SACDs shipped from online dealers.