Anyone solved MF Tri Vista SACD problems?

I am starting this thread for my friend who bought this Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD player as used two years ago. Now the transport mechanism and also the servo board (we think) are broken. Does anyone know if there still is some company who can repair these players or modify them with new parts (transport+servo board). It seems to us that Musical Fidelity has moved forward and abandoned its old Tri-Vista customers. No help from their side at all. All info/help is appreciated.
What I love best is how Stereophiles own MF supporter bloats and braggs on about MF gear and they only have a 1 year warranty and now alot of people have door stops.Maybe the mag should rethink before promoting a product with a 1 year warranty and leaving people helpless.
I have a Krell SACD(used) and it still working but for $1500 they will upgrade(if it does fail) it with a new transort & transformer.At least it is something for used purchasers!

I took the line in your post - 'Fourth, why would I trade mine back to them for another one of their "unrobust" players--as that is all they had when mine broke down.' - to mean that you had been offered and rejected a trade to a different CD player. Apparently it doesn't, so for that and that alone, I apologize.

For the rest, you have enough information in Alex Peychev's post to determine whether all of your remarks about Musical Fidelity are justified.
From the onset I have said that I would not support MF "no matter how good their gear sounds". My choice to not support a company who failed me. The fact that they failed many, many others isn't my issue, though does support it-and cannot be disputed. I am not the only one here who has been bruned by MF and "elects" not to support them as a company". I have never said their gear doesn't sound good-my cd player sounded awesome-when it played. I have heard their dacs, and amps and sound very good. It is MY choice as a consumer to choose not to support them. It is also my privilidge as a poster in this forum to describe my experience with MF. I get to choose what I buy, suppot, like, discuss. My remarks are justified to me, and all those others who have MF bricks.
Krell used the same Philips transport in the SACD Standard. Did they stockpile transports in case of failure? Did they know it was a crap transport when they built/designed it? Did they test it properly? Why no shame on Krell?

No shame on Krell, since they did not abendoned their customers, like MF did. They have chosen to design a replacement drive instead. The new drive can be retrofited to ANY Philips equipped Krell SACD player. The upgrade is not cheap at $1500, but at least your player can be brought back to life. The upgrade includes a new DVD-ROM drive (sourced from their upmarked, EVO series), new software, new PS and a new display.

See the difference ?
"Fact - the problem with the transports in both the TriVista and kW SACD players is nothing to do with "parts obsolescence". Philips left MF and a number of other manufacturers badly in the lurch by supplying insufficiently robust SACD transports (these have a failure rate approaching 100%). Philips then refused to support these transports with parts or replacements once the failures began. "

So this part is not obsolete then......glad we cleared that up. Thanks for all the facts ;)