esoteric x05 vs sa50

Anyone compared the two? I read that SA50 has digital in so that will be pretty future proof, but is it on the same league as x05?
I purchased the SA-50 with great results after 400 plus hours of burning in.

Prior to the Esoteric SA-50 I was using a BCD1 (Bryston). The Bryston is an excellent RED Book Player with some of the finest musicality toe tapping results. I sold it for the Esoteric because it sounded more silky and I had less listening fatigue. The SA-50 is a well rounded CD/SACD player.

Never tried the x05 though. I hear great things too. Can't go wrong with either one. If the built in DAC option is not for you then I say go for the x05 because less is better in that case. Better transport for the x05.

I am happy and content for now. TIP: use a JPS AC Digital power cord.

Take Care
thanks so much for sharing, for me x-05 has better bass, more solid preseantation, but SA-50 has the digital in(and cheaper),tough one! also considering ayre as well, very musical, but cx7e mp is not as detailed as esoteric.