Transport and DAC or Upgrade CDP?

I'll admit to being a total newbie when it comes to anything more advanced than comparing standalone CDPs in my system. I'm currently using a Music Hall CD25.2 and also have a Cambridge 540D (v1) sitting idle.

Comparing the two in my system leaves me with these impressions: CD25.2 is more open, detailed and gives a wider sense of space, but is a bit cold and lacks analog warmth. 540D is warm, but it's not even close to the same level of performance as CD25.2.

In order to get to a better performance level I'm considering either selling both and moving to a better CDP (Jolida 100a maybe?), or using the 540D as a transport with a tube DAC. I'm looking at the TAD TACs most closely (TADAC and TDAC), but open to other suggestions as I know very little about them. question is...what's the consensus as to the better approach? Adding digital music is a consideration for down the road, but not top priority now. I really have no idea how to evaluate transports, and buying a whole bunch of gear for trial is out of the question.
Best to get in front of the curve and consider a oppo 83SE. The developing format for audio is blu-ray.
In my opinion, Jolida 100A is not an upgrade from what you have -- it's just a way to add the coloration of tubes (which you might like, but it's not by definition an improvement). My suggestion -- keep the Music Hall player and use it as a transport to feed a Benchmark DAC1. If you buy used, try to get the latest model of the Benchmark that you can find (manufactured within the last year or so if possible). You can buy direct from Benchmark with a 30-day return period. I own two Benchmark DACs. I prefer the sound of the Benchmark -- clean, neutral, detailed but not irritating -- to some fine players I've owned, including Cambridge 840 (a superb player, which you might prefer to the Benchmark), Rega Apollo (nice sound but not to my taste ergonomically), and Naim Nait CD5i. If you're looking for a warm and romantic sound, then the Benchmark might not be to your taste, but I've found it to be a really fine device, true to the music.