What makes / defines an audiophile ?

Having followed threads and contributed in several this came to mind since we see definitely passion here!!! It's interesting to touch base on things like this since equipment, power, tweaks tend to dominate postings and for me not been in this hobby for that long is worth a thought. Share your views.
What *makes* someone an audiophile? That part is easy and the dictionary describes it best. American Heritage says it's "a person having an ardent interest in stereo or high-fidelity sound reproduction." (Note that the word "music" is not used!) What *defines* an audiophile? This is a bit more complicated, but I believe an audiophile is defined by what they've spent on their system. This investment is not strictly monetary nor do all the parts have physical substance. It includes the minutes and hours, the blood, sweat and tears, the sacrifices made in other parts of life. Yes, it's a package deal and why all the answers above are so different, but still so much the same. It's what each of us makes of it and why we all receive a fair share of return in entertainment, pleasure and joy from the "investment."
People this is going very nice and would like to add some words: Robba if we go by your rule I´m sure the record companies will be very happy, think most of us are in debt. Joe coherent: very good point to the enjoyment of music within your budget. Interesting to point out that some people consider themselves music "aficionados" instead audiophiles because their system is not big money investment. Kind of: is not the pocket´s depth in the audiophile but the love for music within ..... Hifinut: interesting to note that you identify more audiophile equipment oriented people so your hardcore definitions remind me that justice is represented holding a "balance" (equipment vs music)and with a blindfold due to the urge some people "see" to run blind tests whereas the ears are 100% functional to it.... Dacostab nice edge on the music loving part!! Rockvirgo you meant spiked even the fridge where someone puts the blue ice? Siddh your description is very vivid! Redkiwi: there´s no thing like a sure thing but the adrenaline and excitement might be lacking... Tubegroover what about the sympton about almost browsing segments of songs to check the last tweak effectiveness=) Fpeel I really can relate to your comments on the define part... boy this postings have really expanded my considerations horizon..... Guys I'll be on the road for a week keep it coming!!
Carl's definition: One who needs to get musical satisfaction through listening to accurately reproduced recordings of music. Most of the world gets musical satisfaction in other ways, and is generally satisfied with listening to a recording in a way that is less faithful to the original recorded event (duhh)..........I didn't know I was an audiophile until I was 26 years old. In some ways, I'm glad that my parents weren't into "audio without compromise", because I came to appreciate the process in a more well rounded way in adulthood, rather than knowing it as a child, and just taking it for granted for the remainder of my life (like my future children likely will...and also like quite a few audiophiles have known the hobby).
Carl, your post has warmed me to this topic. What did it was your reference to the non-audiophiles - because that is where I think the secret lies. You see, I notice that what seems to distinguish non-audiophiles for me is that they never actually concentrate on the music. They come into your house and ask to listen to the stereo then proceed to ignore it, or sit in a corner somewhere, or do something else. They do the same if you bring a system over when you are helping them to buy one. They also do this with their own systems - use the music as background or play it mainly while they are in another room. And then it occurred to me that their ears are as good as (or maybe better than) ours. They have bought stereos and have found them difficult to listen to, so they don't. Instead they are in the habit of listening subliminally, since that is the best way for them to get past the distortions of their Bose systems and enjoy some music. So when you become an audiophile, you cross that divide and start to concentrate on what you hear, because now, you are trying to get a stereo together that sounds like the real thing. And that is when the trouble starts. Of course it doesn't sound like the real thing at all and so the long and neverending quest begins....
I agree, but take issue with two things: 1) There's no use in assuming that "most" non-audiophiles can hear as good or better than those of us who are (I do realize you were using that to make a point, though). Not that I'm assuming that they can or cannot, just that there's no need in assuming either way. 2) That a 'phile who has a decent system that "OF COURSE DOESN'T SOUND LIKE THE REAL THING AT ALL"....of course, that is not really what you mean. They DO sound LIKE the real thing to varying degrees based on what aspects of reporduction are concentrated on....I believe what you meant to say was that WE OBSESS ON THE FACT THAT THE SOUND OF THE SYSTEM is NOT the ACTUAL live performance. It all depends on what your subjective definition of the word "LIKE" is.....or for that matter, what your definition of the word "is", is...(chuckle chuckle).