Esoteric P03 transport: noisy unit normal?

Hi all,

I have a new Esoteric P03/D03 combo in exchange of a X01/D2. I started a thread a while ago to learn more of these units. Also I'm posting my preliminary findings on the units and how they compare to each other.

To make it brief here, the Combo I find it to be quite a step forward from the single unit. Greater than expected in many ways. Good for that. However I'm starting this post to ask other users on the noisy transport P03.

I started doing serious listening not that long ago, once I got the right cables and had some good hours on the units (now like 350hours aprox). . The thing (transport) noisy. Quite more than I recall the D2 being. I can hear the transport when spinning with volume set to 0 or very low from my listening position..., like 3,5 or 4 meters away from the unit. Not happy about that. Of course when music plays at normal level or even low, you won't hear the thing, but when there is a silent in the middle of the song, if you "look for it" sometimes you will find it.

Now my question to other P03/D03 owners. Is this something normal that you also have in your units or is it something I should complain against and ask for a replacement or fix? I've read some others about this noises but seems that some people get a noise and others don't.

Can you please give me your feedback on your experience with the P03? Do you also get the noise but live with it? You never had it, or you had it and got it solved, either replaced or fixed and how you managed to do this?

Thanks in advance
My Esoteric UX-3Pi makes a sound like you describe...mechanical spinning of the disc. When the unit was new, the sound was unacceptably loud. I had the transport mechanism replaced under warranty. The replacement transport is still louder than just about any other player I've owned, but it's quieter than the original transport.
I had a P70 transport that I found was a little noisy when the room was quiet. You could hear it spinning from several feet away. I sent it to Esoteric for a look see. They replaced a laser assembly servo control board. It was quieter, but I was still not happy with it.

I have seen several complaints of noisy VRDS transports. They may be very ruggedly built, reliable and accurate, but it seems they leave something to be desired noise wise. I eventually sold my P70 but kept the great companion D70 DAC.
Eli, as already mentioned in the other thread, the whirring from some Esoteric units is entirely benign. . . it never converts into EM noise that intermodulates the signal. . . in other words, you never hear it from the speakers. If your transport is under warranty, and you are the original owner. . . or you purchased a factory recertified unit, you might attempt to persuade Tim Crable at TEAC America to replace part of the transport subassembly under warranty.If I recall correctly, the noise may be caused by ceramic bearings in some units, including the P-03 and the X-01 series

Of course, you may very well decide instead you can't live with the noise. . .hence place your fabulous P-03/D-03 on the sales block on Audiogon. . . just to discover far too late that you have traded your annoyingly whirring marvel for an oh so quiet. . . son of a lesser sonic god. G.