
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Just out of curiousity but why whould anyone put tubes in a CD player?
Mordante-below are some comments from the Modwright website that Dan makes about his top modded Sony 5400.


Vacuum tubes are best for amplifying VOLTAGE and SS devices are best for amplifying CURRENT. In a line-level circuit such as this -opposed to an amplifier, tubes require virtually no maintenance.

We chose the 6SN7 for its sound and general popularity among people who love tubes. It ended up being the tube of choice for our Transporter mod, of which we sold hundreds of units!

The tubes are purposely driven VERY conservatively to give 10,000-12,000 hours + of tube life. The circuit is fully auto-bias, therefore no maintenance required. We chose tube rectification simply BECAUSE IT SOUNDS BETTER!
Afc- are you running the CD5 directly into amps or into a preamp? Have you compared both ways?
There is likely something wrong with the system if the EE does not sound better through the CD5 as transport. Perhaps try ajusting the gain on CD5, as this can greatly help or skew the sound, depending on the system.
Afc- are you running the CD5 directly into amps or into a preamp? Have you compared both ways?

I am interested in this also. I am considering a CD-5 to replace my CD-2 and Shindo Aureiges MM. The CD-2 direct to amps was no match for Shindo/CD2
combo. I really like the CD2. I wish I could control the sibilance on decent recordings with the occasional hard hot spots (Wilco Summerteeth) Perhaps it is to much to expect a dac to overcome that in a recording or can the CD5 or MiniMax Dac accomplish that?
I use the CD5 with my preamp. Just like the sound a bit better. Part of the issue, I think, is some prejudice on my part- the gain on the CD5 preamp section is very linear, so you have to crank it up to get high volume. That's in contrast to the relatively non-linear gain on the EAR 868- or probably any preamp- where I don't go much past 10 o'clock before it's all I can stand. Having said that, I could easily live with the CD5 as a one box solution. The preamp section is nice. A little more dry/thin than the EAR. My original intention was to sell the EAR to finance the CD5. In fact, I had a buyer here in less than 24 hours, but he backed out. I'm glad he did, since I now have an analog rig, and the EAR has a great phono section, so I avoided having to drop more cash on a stand alone phono section. The CD5 is a significantly better sounding player than is the CD2 IMO. It's tough for me to ascertain much of a difference between the CD5 and the Clearaudio analog rig I currently run. The 5 just has more detail- bass is stronger, the high end more delicate, and the soundstage has a much fuller impression than does the CD2. Doug Schroeder's review on dagogo was pretty much spot on as far as I am concerned, but I don't know if I would go so far to say the CD5 preamp is as good as anything up to the cost of the 14K VAC Renaissance preamp. The EAR 868 is much less than that.....on the other hand, I know of some people who are very satisfied with the CD5 as a one box unit, and they've traded in some very high end preamps. Nobody really ever said that about the CD2. The biggest drawback to the CD5 as a preamp is that it has only one set of analog output jacks- so if you bi-amp, or run a sub off the preamp, as I do, you're looking at splitter cables to make things work, and that probably costs you something in terms of sonics. It has both XLR and RCA outs, but you can't use both at the same time- you have to choose which one you use via the toggle switch on the rear chassis.