
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Wig, are you calling the 1704K chip outdated? Sure they are no longer produced, mostly because true ladder DAC chips were expensive to manufacture compared to cheap to make Delta-Sigma DACs. My understanding is that Saber DAC is a hybrid ladder/Delta-Sigma chip. The best CDP and DACs I've heard use the NOS ladder DACs (TDA1541, BB 1704, etc). The Saber DAC may look great on paper and sound ultra detailed, but many do not find them, well, very analogue sounding. Some of the NOS "outdated" chips are highly sought after because of their analogue sound, much like some NOS tubes. So far, my experience with new DACs using new generation chips have be a mixed bag. Many sound too sterile, too digital for my taste. But some like this sort of sound. I've heard the WFS DAC using the Saber chip and was not particularly impressed. The only new generation DAC that has me salivating is the MSB Diamond DAC. It is, however, a ladder DAC variant using aerospace grade ultra precision resistors.
After reading the Audio Blast by Doug Schroeder on Dagogo about the Eastern Electric MiniMax DAC, like sheep I went out and purchased the Minimax DAC and connected it exactly as Douglas describes to my Ayon CD5. $650 + tax later, I am sitting in my sweet spot, dumbfounded. The sound was completely 2 dimensional, thin and brittle.
I already own the W4S DAC 2 and the soundstage was little disappointing with the CD5, so I removed it. The CD5 is PERFECT by itself, just Like the musician is in the room!

Don’t waste your time and money

I am using the Synergistic Research IC's with the CD5, SR speakers cables and it blows away the Minimax DAC EXPERIMENT, which failed terribly in my system. I have a pair of Ayon Orthos mono amps, the CD5 and a pair of Lumenwhite Artisan speakers.


Thanks for posting that. While the CD5 is beyond my price range, I'm considering the CD7 or CD2 or Ayon DAC and was wondering about the new "cheaper" DACs that are getting so much press (Wyred, Minimax, Tranquility). At least the mighty CD5 kicked two of those out of the water...any point of view regarding CD2/CD7/DAC?

Would you recommend removing the tube out of the unit since I'm using a Berkeley Dac? This would eliminate the amount of heat the unit puts out and should be better fot the transport.
Hello Mcondon
Perhaps you should consider the Sony CDP at Best Buy, those Sony's, they are very layed back and detailed. I'll bet you will love it.
