
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
I used to own the Ayon CD-2 and could not understand why it was so highly praised. I thought it sounded very forward and lacked detail. Overall, a very fatiguing source. After I sold the Ayon, I received back channel e-mails from other Audiogon members who owned the Ayon, all asking whether I had sold it because it was too "bright". They wouldn't post this on Audiogon. Presumably to protect the value of their investment. But I don't understand the buzz. Certainly, the Ayon CD-2 was as far away from vinyl as any source I have ever used.

For the same money, the PS Audio Perfect Wave stack is far better than the Ayon. For less money, the Eastsound is better.
I have Ayon CD-2s. It's not bright. It's a bit on analytical side, detailed but not bright.
Has anyone else noted there are several members who have only ever posted very positive comments regarding Ayon."Ayon is far superior to brand XYZ which I have owned several etc etc.Some of these guys claim to have owned lots of other highend gear but have never posted a single response about the other gear they claimed to have owned.
Just look at the history of some of these posters and you will see what I mean. Do these people really think the other members are that gullible?

Hey Audigoners
Budt, blackwillard, mikesmith & many other user names on the gon; is really image audio in guelph canada! Lets just say that this info comes right from the horses mouth and they plan to stop it. The gon is a fun and educating forum and it is too bad that some use it to sell the stuff they sell.
