
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Hey Audigoners
Budt, blackwillard, mikesmith & many other user names on the gon; is really image audio in guelph canada! Lets just say that this info comes right from the horses mouth and they plan to stop it. The gon is a fun and educating forum and it is too bad that some use it to sell the stuff they sell.

I reread your post.
1) I have never even heard of Image Audio and therefore had to look it up.
2) I live approx 500 miles from Image Audio.
3) I have absolutely nothing to do with retail sales of any kind and never have.
4) What the heck are you even talking about?
5) Please enlighten all the members as I am curious as well.
Rather can continue speculating and making erroneous and provocative allegations, let me off you all this right from the source itself.

Being both a former proprietor, and a personal user, according to Audiogon policy, I required to have a commercial account and a personal account for non business interests. This explains 2 different monikers and identities, either of which I never attempted to conceal.

Image Audio has not been operating in retail capacity for nearly 6 months. Due to all the internet sales, expected discounts and just better opportunities, I made the concious decision to close these operations as ( for myself ) these opportunities were not profitable enough to continue.

In case it is not fully known, there are indeed a number of regular posters who seem ( as Budt and a few others have noticed )to be heavily biased towards one particular brand and regularly post how superior it/they are to other brands.

This is their " opinion " and it is valid and welcomed whether or not they are connected to any type of retail enviroment, or are just a simple enthusiast.

The fact that when this is challenged or opposed in any fashion, by a personal user, retailer, associate, etc. by the suggestion that brand X just might be better, or another users preference, ends up in an attempt ( by someone ) to discredit that opinion, or sling mud in an attempt to make that opposition appear invalid.

I personally have no outside opinion on other brands, and do not compare them to the ones I prefer. I do not sell or own any of the brands that I have posted information on and have no business interests as I am not conducting business , only that I felt they sounded exceptional and better that what I have currently been exposed to in hi-fi.

What is apparent in all of this is that this influence ( person, or association ) is desparately trying to shift the focus, and others are seeing it as well. Call it hi-fi politics, campaingning or whatever you like, I personally do not care and have been enjoying this hobby for over 35 years and take all this activity with a grain of salt.

Just for the record, I am not Budt, or any of the others and these accusations are silly and without foundation
Well Budt, I am one of those members who, by your forensic comments, might be accused of commenting mostly on Ayon players and little about other gear. But despite your belief members like me are actually Ayon stooges, i'm sorry to say Inspector Javert if I happen to comment on Ayon disproportionately more than other products, it is only because a/ The CD-5/CD-5s are my first truly high end players & b/ I am genuinely stoked with my front end! So if commenting on Ayon threads and (coincidentally) ramping up my own Ayon thread stats is a crime, well i'm happy to be accused...