
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Well Budt, I am one of those members who, by your forensic comments, might be accused of commenting mostly on Ayon players and little about other gear. But despite your belief members like me are actually Ayon stooges, i'm sorry to say Inspector Javert if I happen to comment on Ayon disproportionately more than other products, it is only because a/ The CD-5/CD-5s are my first truly high end players & b/ I am genuinely stoked with my front end! So if commenting on Ayon threads and (coincidentally) ramping up my own Ayon thread stats is a crime, well i'm happy to be accused...
It looks like a Raysonic. When you spend that much on a player or dac, you're buying the whole package. Just look at the Chord QBD76. It's beautiful.

I've been eyeing the Skylla, and I'd really like to try it out. But couldn't have they put more effort into the entire package when it's selling for $7k (for the Skylla)?
03-18-11: Budt
If you read my post you will realize it wasn't directed at you.
My apology Budt, I'll get off my goat now! That's water under a bridge, let's get back to audio talk :)
03-18-11: Macdude
It looks like a Raysonic. When you spend that much on a player or dac, you're buying the whole package. Just look at the Chord QBD76. It's beautiful.

I've been eyeing the Skylla, and I'd really like to try it out. But couldn't have they put more effort into the entire package when it's selling for $7k (for the Skylla)?
...yes if you want to spend an extra $2-3k for a pretty case. I wouldn't..