
Received my CD-2 on Friday and I'm still amazed and the unit has only about 20 hours. The soundstage extends beyond the boundaries of the speakers with palpable images you can almost touch. The Rega/Bryston combo is good but the CD2 is in another league. This unit captures the ambiance and nuances of the recorded venue with ease. I know layering and depth will come when the units has been run in and I'm looking forward to that day!

I'm definitely happy with my purchase
Mcondan, without wishing to get into personal opinions, I agree with your comments referring the Ayon players overstated superiority are clearly not realistic. In Doug Schroeder's review, he rated the Perfect Wave stack as superior to the CD-2.

Re: the AMR, it is clearly a very good player, though it has a different presentation to the CD-5. The arguement over which is better has been done to death, so I wont go there. In the past i've been guilty of getting caught up in this Ayon hysteria to an extent. Now I simply believe the players I know (CD-5/CD-5s) are excellent players worthy of kudos.

I've only been into high end audio for 3 years, but experience has shown me only very experienced audiophiles, or reviewers should effusely comment on "which is better", otherwise it's best to just comment on general observations or ask specific questions. Just my two cents.
No hard feelings please but may I correct your statement a bit:
"It's just that one looks like a Raysonic, and the other looks some like car amplifier", LOL.
Well, I had noticed these same type of posts previously with companies like Simaudio in which member audio4ever( C.K) was really the member pretending to be your everyday audiophile.I owned Simaudio at the time and liked the stuff but I simply will not support a company which conducts itself in such manner. The irony of all this is I was really considering Ayon until I read posts like those from Jimphd14. When anyone comments in thread after thread of how great something is I always check out their history( like member audio4ever).
When I took Jimphd14 to task regarding his posts he became overly defensive and angry, hurling insults, claiming to have co-authored a book on the mental health status of Canadians and insinuating I suffered from paranoia , anger and I forget what else. It was quite ironic and rather amusing( considering his claim).
I also think he would be quite embarrassed if he knew my profession.
Budt, you hint at a very useful recommendation, which is to look over the previous post history of Audiogon members who strongly praise one product over another. Such a check would confirm that the member is behaving like an honest broker, not a shill.

If it turns out that a member (like Jimphd14) has an Audiogon feedback score of zero, no items for sale, and uses the Audiogon forums solely to "pump" a single manufacturer (Ayon) while denigrating competitors' products, it is probably completely safe to ignore his posts.

Such posting behavior is juvenile and a disservice to the Audiogon community.
Budt, I hear what you're saying, and as I mentioned; i've been guilty myself of beating the barrel a bit too loudly that brand (Ayon). I recently bought the latest model CD-5s, but am holding off posting a review until it's played in & i've got something considered to say. I read the comments you were referring to, and they were bizarre, but don't let one bad egg turn you off Ayon gear.