Please recommend for my next upgrade

My upgrade bug bites me again, although I ok with my current system. My current system consist of:

Rotel RB 1080 power amp
Audible Illusions L1 preamp
Sony BDP350 Bluray player
Maverick Audio TubeMagic DAC
1 Volex 17604 power cord on power amp
Straight wire speaker cable
Other coaxial and RCA cables are just no name ordinary cables
Monster surge protector (not power conditioner)

I think my weakest links are:
Sony player
Maverick Audio DAC
no power conditioner
power cords

I know everything plays a role, but given budget constraint of $500, what would you recommend to upgrade first that will give me biggest bang for the buck? I am thinking probably the player and DAC. Any recommendation?
04-23-10: Blindjim
I'd begin looking into power cords. Front end and back end, primarily. Source & amp. As your source could be and likely will be upgraded at some point later on, I'd focus on the amp's power cord needs now.
Have you met Macdadtexeas?
04-23-10: Macdadtexas
Don't get me started on power cables, that's just snake oil in a paper cup!!p
Now that'd result in an interesting exchange of ideas...
If you have not already tried a few tubes in the DAC and preamp then start there. The AI will work great with a cheap pair of AMperex Bugle Boy 6DJ8 tubes (I think that is what is in there) that you can get on ebay for $20. Upgrading your source and speakers would be next. You can try to get a dealer in your area to let you try a better CDP to hear if that makes a big improvement in your system.
If you own your own home, as opposed to renting, you could likely have two dedicated 20a AC lines installed for your $500.
Thanks for all the reply. Just a missing detail, my Maverick Audio is already using GE tube. Actually, I am using a Rotel preamp now, and just bought a used AI preamp, it hasn't come yet. So, since the AI is already a tube preamp, I am not sure if I still should use the tube buffer from DAC, it seems it is a overdoing .. but I will try. And I heard good things on the Ratheon tube on Maverick. I can also try different tubes on the AI preamp.
And it seems the next thing I should do is the power cord and add a power conditioner.
I did some research on the porter port .. if change the port for the power bar, would it still be better since there is a power bar in front?
For the CDP. I did some research people recommend Rega Planet/Jupiter, or Musical Fidelity. But I also read some people commeting that with new DAC like Benchmark / Lavry which has jitter reduction, chaning the CDP may not bring any improvement. I am more leaning towards to upgrade my DAC instead of CDP. It is more versatile as I want to set up a music server, and I don't want to have 2 player, one dedicated to CD and one Blu-ray. And actually, the Maverick sounds decent, but I haven't try other more expensive DAC like the PS Audio with Cullen mod, so, I can't tell. Does any one have any experience in both and can tell if that worth the upgrade?


I’ve found personally, the transport does play a part in the two box CDP/DAC setup. To what degree is the real question.

A very good DAC that aggressively addresses jitter is a VERY GOOD thing!

Especially if you plan on going ALL digital or with a server/PC based operation… as I and others here have done.

The Lavery folks do a great job overall with their products and support.

I tried one of their DACs and loved it… but another DAC was a better fit for my system in the end.

RE tubes…. If NOS 6DJ8 Amperex Bugle Boys for $20 EACH CAN BE HAD…. I’d sure like to know where myself. I’ve no need of those tube types but I’d sure buy quite a few for speculation purposes.

…or at that price perhaps one should buy well more than they need too as I’d suspect a fair number NOT to be NOS… but just used instead.

With regard to tubes…. Finding a tube vendor that is honest and timely, as well as affordable is THE key with tube gear.

“Now that would result in an interesting exchange of ideas...”

Uh.. yes… it has. Been there./ Done that already. It is what it is.

In fact I kind of wish it wasn’t so, but my experience says something different to me than his experience does to him…. And other’s like him. I respect their opinions yet simply find for myself, with my gear, (and several different pieces of gear along the way mind you,) that within the context of reasonableness, power cords are the fundamental step towards improving the quality of the sound, or merely altering it… more so than Ics… and usually for less money than with Ics.

…but that’s just me…. And of course, other’s like me that have found out for themselves the valu of aftermarket PCs..

Everything here… tubes, cables, power outlets, even… alter the sound or allow for gains within the system’s abilities.

Which area here gives the biggest change? Speakers. But that wasn’t on the docket this go ‘round.

Here I saw the need for a firmer foundation. A better source of reference. Therefore I submitted what I’ve done previously that stood the test of time and exchanges of various components, whilst providing me both a clearer and more precise insight to the presentation, despite those comings and goings of kit… and they do come and go.

That’s all any of us ought to do… not just guess or speculate. We ought merely share what we’ve done ourselves or should have done, given certain circumstances.

The biggest deal is that many posters have already made up their minds to some extent when such requests for assistance are posted, or mostly made up their minds…. And will go which ever way they please anyhow! Despite whatever wisdom might say otherwise.

At least here… in lots of cases…. The main benefit remains that of the OP, and not someone who has making money as their primary goal instead of purely lending first hand exp. The knowledge base here is far more often altruistic and worthwhile… and free.

Outlines and blueprints here are FREE…. The application of it however is NOT…. That rabbit hole can get very deep, very quickly.