Opinions on Esoteric clocks ......

.....I have read the previous threads on these pieces, and would like to hear from people who have bought them as well as the ones who did not and why. I understand what it is doing - just wondering if the sonic improvements are worth the money.
I have added the GOR-b between the P-03 and D-03 after more than a year using the two alone. It is really hard to say what, specifically, it does, except that when you remove it the naturalness of the sound is diminished, and even superb CDs and SACDs become excellent digital sound again, not just excellent sound. I have heard from a very reliable source that the G03x has little positive effect between the P-03 and D-03, but is a substantial step forward when used with the P-05 and D-05. If, after my own experience, I were going to get a P-05/D-05 combo for a second system, I wouldn't even consider it without an Esoteric clock, the best I could afford.
I'm in the same boat, I have a D-05 and trying to determine which clock to purchase. Here are some numbers I found researching;

Clock accuracies in ppm:
Internal Esoteric D-03 = .5 ppm
Internal Esoteric D-05 = 3 ppm

Esoteric G-03x = .1 ppm = $4,000
Esoteric G-0Rb = .00005 ppm = $15,000
Antelope Isochrone OCX = .02 ppm = $1,495
Antelope Isochrone Trinity = .001 ppm = $4,750
add Antelope Isochrone 10M to the OCX or Trinity = .00003ppm = add $6,495 to either clock

Prices are MSRP

If it's all about ppm and $$$'s, I was considering the Isochrone OCX, but if power supply etc.. play a major role maybe the G-03x.

Excuse my ingnorance

Is possile to use this antelope isochrone 10 m with dcs puccini? or with esoteric X01 D2? has someone experineced before? I nave heard about them
