Best free Apps for music....

Kind of late to the party...but have a smart phone now...any cool internet radio apps, music apps, vinyl apps,etc...thanks...
For the geekier angle of that question check out the suite of apps from StudioSix Digital

I also use iPeng as a necessary evil to control the Squeeze devices in my house (3 of them), but I absolutely HATE that interface. It is anything but instinctual to me.
The best app I have found is Subsonic. It's a music player that also will stream from my home server. This allows me to access any piece of music I have in my collection without storing a single file on my phone. It can stream using wireless or cellular so as long as you have one or the other, which is pretty much anywhere in the world, you have all of your music files. There are versions for Android and Iphone that I know of. I use the Android version. Just an amazing app and easily my fave.