The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
Well, previously it was the old, three box version of the Audio Physic Caldera, with about $7,000 of electronics feeding them. Those retailed for around $20,000, but were available for "only" $10,000. I'd have bought them on the spot, had I been in a position to do so. I would have to say that the speakers I currently own, for ~5K with the stands, rival--and probably surpass--the Calderas, which is a REAL surprise. Duane sold me a pair of Intuitive Design Summits, which I decided to buy just about a year (or less) after having JUST upgraded my speakers. My wife was appalled, but we agreed that this would be my last major audio purchase for a "long time". That will be no problem whatsoever, as these have completely blown away even my most ridiculously unreasonable expectations, and will almost certainly be the last speakers I ever buy, and I am in my early 40's! All this at the real world (for an audiophile anyway) price of about $5000. I plan a review soon, but have just a wee bit more tweaking to do, and am hoping to be able to do justice to these utterly fabulous masterpieces.
The Stax F-81 is the best speaker I ever heard. What did they sound like? Think about their best headphone systems, only better! They were the least-colored transducers I've ever heard. Unfortunately, they were completely unstable, and kept buzzing and crackling throughout the demonstration. At the time I was shopping for speakers (around 20 years ago), they were also incredibly expensive at $3300.

The best dynamic speakers I've ever heard? Wildly different choices: the KEF 105.2 and the Klipsch Cornwalls. The 105's threw a huge and realistic soundstage around six feet in front of the speakers, and the Cornwalls, blasted a symphony orchestra at real-life levels without a hint of strain or running out of gas--this with a 50-watt amp, as I recall it.