Your experience & thoughts on SSDs for MacMini

I have a 2007-2008 MacMini that I use exclusively as a music server on a third system with the stock HD. I am considering replacing the stock HD to an SSD. The stock HD makes noise that is audible often enough to draw unwanted attention to itself.

I'm looking for experience-based thoughts and commentary on the various SSDs that are available for this replacement. I'm using SnowLeopard and iTunes 10 with Pure Music for playback of AIFF files from a peripheral HD (which is silent).

So far, my research on this seems to get a bit confusing. For example, Other World Computing offers two levels of SSD, one over 50% more $ in price (and 25% larger 40 Gb vs 50 Gb than the other (offering a longer warranty, etc.) And I know there are several other manufacturers of SSDs out there with varying price points and related benefits.

This MacMini isn't used for anything else than serving music, ripping files, streaming audio, playing Netflix downloadable movies, and the occasional download from iTunes.

Your points of view are appreciated.

:) listening,

I think using a MacMini or any other computer is a temporary stop along the way to a more elegant, one-box solution.

Having purchased a MacMini with SSD drive, playback software, and USB converter, I don't think I'd spend the money again. Rather, I think I'd try to be more patient and wait for the next generation of hard drive devices to be released (yes, it could be a while...).

So, my answer to your question would be to not spend the money on a SSD.
The only downside of SSD is the price. If you can afford SSD it's a no brainer. SSD is much much faster and completely silent. I use SSD as the main disk drive, and store the music in NAS which is hidden away in a closet.

There are several generations of SSD technology already. Previous generation models tend to be slower and cheaper. For music server you don't need the fastest and latest, so you can shop wisely.
I don't agree with tvad. I think the future is now using a music server using a very good dac.
Before I would buy an ssd for the Mac, I would put in the maximum amount of memory in the mini then set pure music to use memory for playback.
I also agree with using a nas set of disks for your library. The disks can be located anywhere then.
03-06-11: Rbstehno
I don't agree with tvad. I think the future is now using a music server using a very good dac.
Let me clarify. I am hopeful that a one-box server solution becomes that will work in tandem with a DAC.

The server should be user friendly and work like a CD player (or a tuner or any other standard audio component that anyone could operate without knowledge of computers).

I think the Mac (or PC) method with its myriad software options, system configurations, USB converter hardware installation with the accompanying configurations, compounded with hellish home wi-fi network all sucks, quite frankly.

Remember when anyone, including the girlfriend or wife, could come home and turn on the receiver and select the tuner and play music in about 5 seconds? That's what needs to become reality with server based audio.