Your experience & thoughts on SSDs for MacMini

I have a 2007-2008 MacMini that I use exclusively as a music server on a third system with the stock HD. I am considering replacing the stock HD to an SSD. The stock HD makes noise that is audible often enough to draw unwanted attention to itself.

I'm looking for experience-based thoughts and commentary on the various SSDs that are available for this replacement. I'm using SnowLeopard and iTunes 10 with Pure Music for playback of AIFF files from a peripheral HD (which is silent).

So far, my research on this seems to get a bit confusing. For example, Other World Computing offers two levels of SSD, one over 50% more $ in price (and 25% larger 40 Gb vs 50 Gb than the other (offering a longer warranty, etc.) And I know there are several other manufacturers of SSDs out there with varying price points and related benefits.

This MacMini isn't used for anything else than serving music, ripping files, streaming audio, playing Netflix downloadable movies, and the occasional download from iTunes.

Your points of view are appreciated.

:) listening,


I have tried a linear power supply, and I have done A/B between SSD external drives and regular hard drives. But, I did not A/B between SSD external drives and Regular hard drives while using the linear power supply.

Perrew, having had two prior Windows servers, my expectations are the opposite of yours. Also, several Dac manufacturers, I know, one being Weiss, think the Apples are better. I certainly would like the convenience of Itunes with less of the money grubbing they do. I also wish that Apple had not followed the other Windows manufacturers down the road of really cheap components, such as drives.

I will probably go with a very modified Mini with a Raid 5 storage and a pro external drive for ripping my discs. All I will continue to use FW to the Weiss Dac202, but sata elsewhere.

Extrapolating from the mach2 you are saying the Linear PS is worse than the switching inside the mac mini but the ssd makes a big enough difference?
Could you please elaborate on the sonic differences between the SSD vs. the HDD?
Tbg, agree, I would love the convenience of just using Itunes. Imagine if it had the capability of the Sooloos with grouping and searching.
As for FW Im not convinced by what Ive heard.
I use a Plextor, one of the old really well built ones for ripping. And have a BR drive for movies since Steve dont fancy the BR format.
I have ordered the Server version of the mini which has 2x500Gb 7200rpm drives inside so that should be able to hold most of the music, extremely convenient. Then I have Plex with external drives for movies.

No, I did not comment on the linear power sound quality at all. I simple said I did not do A/B tests between SSD and regular hard drives, when using the linear power supply.

When we did A/B tests between SSD external hard drives and regular hard drives, we used stock Mac Minis and our Mach2 units.

In the A/B tests, we used the same cabling, external HD enclosure, Mac, software and music. We simply swapped out the hard drive in the external enclosure. We used Memory Play in these tests since this is always a big debate.

We normally use a Firewire enclosure that has the Oxford chipset. When using a regular hard drive, we get a nice sounds stage, good detail, low background noise, good dynamics. It is way better than USB set ups we tried in the past.

When we swapped the SSD in for the regular hard drive, the noise floor was quieter. The dynamics improved, the width of the soundstage got better and the depth of the soundstage was much better. The sound was tighter too (i.e. cymbals had more definition).

I'm not saying everyone should run out and buy external SSD drives. They do sound better, but the price increase is significant. You may have other things in your system that need addressing.

The internal drive is a no-brainer, although you must be careful in doing the swap. The cost to replace the internal drive is reasonable and the gains are very noticeable.
