I have a all McIntosh system with Tannoy speakers and have decided to go digital. Recently purchased a MDA 1000 to replace my C46. Easily over a 1000 cd collection.

I need a way to store and play. What I want to do is store to a NAS or similar device, sit on the couch with a touch screen of some sort to scan and select my listening pleasure. Can be hard wired or streamed. I use FLAC. Don't care about internet look up of playlist and cover art.

I'm not a computer wiz nor do I want to be. Is there a system that does what I want, seems like from what I read most self built servers require that you spend more time configuring and dealing with online support then listening to music.

What do you suggest? Thanks in advance for your help.
Thanks, I'm trying to understand. I also appreciate all the links that have been offered, guess I like to do a lot of research.

I ran across some info on a new USB converter, a music fidelity v link. Seemed intersting to me because it is simple. The hype says it is very good for what that is worth.

Anyway the more I research the more I understand and one thing seems certain, the future is digital.

Thanks all!
I am running the 2010 Mac mini with 120 OWC SSD, 8 gb ram, 2.6GHz and 2 lacie 1T (7200) firewire 1394b with apple lossless and the original Mac mini 1394b rehoused for back-up. Everything into the W4S DAC-2 and the initial sound is very good. I am looking forward to the improvements over the next 200 hours of burnin.

I don't regret boxing my MF Nuvista 3D for the convenience or †he sound.
As to cables, and this is what I have read and researched (but there are definately two+ families of thought). I actually prefer the toslink approach as it keeps the transfer of data as a light form. The RCA/SPDIF is an electronic signal and (from what I have read) more suceptable to environmental factors.

With toslink, I am of the opinion that one does not need to spend a large amount of money on these cables, that the connectors are actually more important than the cable itself (secure, prevent light leakage, etc). Obviously, since conveying the signal as light, the key is to not allow for a kink in the cabling.

Over the years, I have had many more problems with RCA/SPDIF cables failing (two times) than toslink cables (I have never had one fail).

I have also found no difference as to the cost of the cable and its performance (I have a pretty revealing system and can certainly tell a notable difference with difference ICs and SCs).
I’m also thinking to go computer based front end.
I have great DAC with async USB, so it is begging for digital.
After reading many forums here and on Computer Audiophile, I decided to get MAC mini and install SSD drive from OWC and run it headless with Ipad.

Can anyone out there who done that, please share their experience in details on how to make Ipad talk to mac mini. I have the wired router to three PC in my house that using hi speed Comcast internet. Do I have to go wireless first so Ipad can talk to MAC mini? Can I install wireless router in addition to wired. How to download the software to MAC Mini for the first time before connecting Ipad, can I use TV as a display? The step by step walk thru instructions and connectivity, ripping and playback software recommendations will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
i plan to add the ipad when ipad2 is available. I am currently using a full tricked MacPro for running the mac mini as a shared screen.

I have an acer screen, magic mouse, and wireless keyboard on the mac mini. You have to access it directly to get everything going. The you can set it up to do what you want but you have to set-up the permissions on the mac initially.

I can not complain about anything. I have pure music/pure vinyl working in hybrid memory/HOG. when I pick an album it is instantaneous begun. The sound is excellent through mac USB 2.0 to w4s. I am burning in the DAC-2.

next week I will get the impact Twin adc on-line for my favorite LPs.