What's the best Tube DAC you have heard?


Just like input for my next system upgrade. In attempt to add the tube magic back into my system which currently isn't friendly for tube amps. I'm thinking of adding that magic in the other end of the chain at the source. I do mostly computer served music these days...~40,000+ songs in my server.

I do still spin a record or two here and there, but been relying on my computer/Linn Majik more and more. I'm thinking of switching to a combo of Musical Fidelity V-link async USB -to-S/PDIF and I'll tie that to a good tube DAC.

So would like folks guidance, I've been leaning Audio Note and Audio Research....

since nobody has specified what "best" means, the implicit connotation is one's favorite dac, regardless of its sound.

in that case, the first zanden dac smokes them all.
since nobody has specified what "best" means, the implicit connotation is one's favorite dac, regardless of its sound.

in that case, the first zanden dac smokes them all.

Regardless of its sound? What else would it be a favorite on the basis of? Its looks, perhaps...construction? I kind of lost you there.

It is reasonable to assume the OP is asking for a personal favorite based upon experience. What qualifies as "best" obviously will differ from person to person depending upon their priorities. In this respect, the best one could hope to come away with is a general idea of what some people prefer, and use that as a point of departure. If one wanted to reference this further one might go back and look at the posting history and or ask questions of the person rendering the opinion, to further discover where their preferences might be similar or disimilar to their own. Your statement, "...the zanden smokes them all," implies that you've heard "them all" in direct comparison to the Zanden. In what respect does it "smoke them all"? And what "all" have you done direct comparisons with, having both DAC's in the same system in the same room, at the same time?
I have been using a VAC DAC 2 Mk 2 for many years----done a lot of A/B with other digital gear---the VAC remains-----I also own an Audio Logic 34 which is very close to the VAC (same person designed both, Jerry Ozment)
Not all of my list has tubes but here are my favs....Museatex Bidat, Audiomeca Enkianthus (1st gen and X model), Camelot Uther Mk 4, Kora Hermes (if modded), Audio Aero Capitole (has digital in, so can be used as a DAC), Check out the TADAC..a real sleeper and very flexible with tube rolling. EAD 9000 Mk 3 (whatever was the last version). The Berkeley is quite good.
Mofimadness, I can understand why you would be enjoying it; you have a lovely combo of opamps and tube with the Minimax.

Out of curiosity which transport and cabling are you using?