What's the best Tube DAC you have heard?


Just like input for my next system upgrade. In attempt to add the tube magic back into my system which currently isn't friendly for tube amps. I'm thinking of adding that magic in the other end of the chain at the source. I do mostly computer served music these days...~40,000+ songs in my server.

I do still spin a record or two here and there, but been relying on my computer/Linn Majik more and more. I'm thinking of switching to a combo of Musical Fidelity V-link async USB -to-S/PDIF and I'll tie that to a good tube DAC.

So would like folks guidance, I've been leaning Audio Note and Audio Research....

One more point I have to make, once in a while a high end expensive component hits the market and raises the bar for the competition, the Zanden DAC was one of them IMHO. There are other tube DACs out there for sure, some of them probably very very good, I have not heard them all, but the Zanden is truly a special piece to experience. If you got the $$$, it's a joy to listen too and own.

That was the first component that pushed me into the upper range of audio.

Be wary of those kinds of components, they will cost you more than the price of admission, because then you find weaker links in your system, and you will want to keep going. :)

Hi Gerald,

Dev's 6-6-11 suggestion merits consideration. I've only owned a sole DAC...Audio Note 4.1X Balanced -- it's NOS, i.e., non-oversampling.

Hi James1969,

i still own my Zanden DAC, having listen carefully to DCS Scarlatti full stack, Emm Labs CDSA, DCS Elgar Plus stack, Wadia 7, ARC CD3,5,7,8, Krell 505 and Meridian 808.2.

I do not disagree the DCS Scarlatti generates a level of clean signal like i have not heard before...remarkable. The Wadia 7 is excellent. 808.2 is suprising but perhaps it felt a little less 'punchy' dynamic to me...not sure why though Dealer agreed.

In the end, despite Zanden showing its age relative to DCS in terms of quiet noise floor, detail...i still have nothing that makes me set it and forget and listen to music. i am keeping it. now, i am just waiting for the second hand transport to get to a level where i can trade some of my other equipment for it!!!

Then i will sit on this for 5 years and enjoy my cds and wait til hi-res has matured a bit more. dont wish to rush in given that there is still very little stock of hi-res available compared to 16/44.1

oh and upgrading tubes inside to Amperex 7308 (and power supply tubes to mullards) was a huge improvement.
If you have the opportunity to hear one, the new Acoustic Plan DAC is the best tube DAC I have heard. Actually it is the best DAC of any kind I have heard.