Under $500 - Used CDP or DAC/Transport?

I've recently sold a couple digital sources (MH CD25.2 and HRT Streamer+) that I found to be too much compromise. The MH throws a huge sound stage, but doesn't sound very accurate to me. String and acoustic guitar sound processed, not very believeable. The HRT made music sound more life like, but was rather dull and lacked the fullness of the MH.

I want to spend around $500 for a replacement. I am thinking a used CDP like an Apollo or an inexpensive used DVD player as transport with a budget DAC. Top DAC choices are audio-gd NFB-3, Beresford Caiman, VDAC, and some others.

Is this price point not worth buying a DAC? I still listen mostly to CDs, I haven't fully taken the computer audio plunge yet (HRT experience was mostly good though). Would it make sense for me to buy the best $500 used CDP now and wait a year or two to target a DAC? I'm particularly interested in the audio-gd DAC, but not if it's just going to be a headache and lateral move at best.
I would not get a separate DAC - in that price range with a cheap transport I don't think you win.

Consider stretching your budget and look over CD players on Agon right now by: Exposure, Modwright Sony, Opera Consonance, Cayin SCD-50T, Quad, maybe Jolida JD100a, Rega Jupiter and Roxsan. Or as you suggest a Rega Apollo or maybe Cambridge 840C if you can find one used. These will wipe the floor with a VDAC or similar based system IMHO.

If you want the flexibility of a DAC, you might wait till you can afford the next level up, Musical Fidelity M1 or Rega DAC or similar, but don't uderestimate the importance of a good transport = > $$ to get same sound as some of these players listed above.
Once again it is time for a refurb Sony 595, often available from SonyStyle for $60. Can you handle 'cheap', and still be an audiophile?

I have seen you recommend the Sony 595 in many posts. I have looked several times and have never seen this available on sonystyle.com. Can you please provide a link?
I'm interested in the NAD C 565BEE, does anyone have anything to offer besides it being a good value at the price point? I like that it has digital in, would be nice to hook up an Apple TV or something along those lines.

Spearit has them refurbed for a good price. Any reason to not look into this more closely?
Recommend a Pre-loved Arcam DV-88. Superb sound, HDCD decoding and you have a great DVD player in a pinch.