Sony SACD 5400 ES: how to get it in standby ?

I would like to leave this unit in standby rather than switch the unit off every time I have finished paying a CD.
However, if I follow the instructions and push the on/off button the display blinks "Standby" a few times but the unit then makes a click and appears to have switched off. Is this a fault or do I need to do something else??
When I wish to turn my 5400 off completely, I press the power button, see the "Standby" message, but continue to hold the button down and it goes off. I've never really tried to leave it in Standby. But I would have thought that a quick push to get the "Standby" message and then lift off your finger would work. To be honest, I've never tried to leave it in Standby.

Are you keeping your finger on the power button?

I normally leave mine on though.

I never turn my 5400 off. With no cd loaded the laser is off and the motor is off. Only the electronics stay powered up which is better than turning it on and off. I had a 777es which was never turned off in 10 years
I never turn off my XA5400ES either. This is one player that I noticed takes a very long time to warm up, and sounds noticeably better after warmed up.
Thanks for the comments.
I tried to go to standby with one touch, from either the remote or the chassis on/off button. Both turn the unit off ( click!) rather than put it in standby- as claimed in the Sony manual. Contrary to what the manual says, it seems standby doesnt exist.A pity since it uses less power in that imaginary state- according to the manual....
I think I will just leave it on since I agree it sounds better warmed up.