Benchmark dac - why such diverging opinions?

I'm puzzled.
Audiophile sites and magazines continue to rave about the benchmark dac (HDR, USB, pre,...). Perfect rendition, studio quality, unbeatable value,...

Yet criticism stacks up high on many blogs. Too harsh, not musical enough,...

Why such divergence? Does its popularity make it the one one loves to hate? Are magazines just biased in their reviews? Are audiophile bloggers not good judges of quality. Are those considering buying a dac at that price having sub-par components whose imperfections the benchmark dac amplifies, while those going higher end don't consider the dac adequate vs a berkeley or weiss? Where is the catch?

I ended up buying a w4s dac. I considered the benchmark yet never had the chance to audition it.
hi kjanki:

what is the connotation of the quote you have cited ?

i suspect that oscar wilde was engaging in banter and such a statement should not be taken seriously.
I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. Also Wilde. Along with, Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. Capiche?
"what is the connotation of the quote you have cited ?"

Diversity of opinions is good.
hi kijanki:

thank you for your reasonable response. discussing differences in opinion can be entertaining and enlightening, as it can open the mind to different ways of thinking.
System synergy is key (and personal preferance) - the whole chain..I have a Benchmark and it sounds great, a bit shy of the Berkeley, which says alot.