cd player or computer with dac

i have put together a system which consists of the dartzeel cht8550 integrated,ascendo system f speakers with the arcam cd17 but i know the cd player is the weak link i shall be grateful if some one could help me decide the source and cables for the same and does a source really make the difference

You say

There is a DAC manufacturer that is very well known

Why play a guessing game?

Why not name this mysterious manufacturer ?

"data resynchronization and magnetic separation of the ground. The first solution allows different methods to release from the transmission on USB, using on-board reference oscillator with low jitter of the DAC is capable of re-clocking of incoming data from the computer with absolute precision.

Thank you. I now know what to do. I’m buying a turntable. :-)
This thread sums up the dilemma for many of us considering moving from CD player to hard drive/DAC. There seems to be no agreement at all on where we are with the development of discless digital.

This comes down to the basic question. Are we yet at the point that $ for $ you are better off continuing with standalone players or going discless? What is the comparitive sound quality?

I know all these questions are discussed, ad nauseam, but I can deect no consensus at all.

Related to this, but a different point, Are we yet at the stage that using a server or PC/mac, is sufficiently user friendly, that non computer experts like me, can really contemplate the change? Looking at some of the posts on this and other sites, even one box solutions like Olive, ripping and playback is not simple, with frequent manufacturer upgrades to software.

The final point for me is, should you go for one of the purpose built HiFi servers like Naim for example, or the much cheaper Mac/PC route? Is there a difference in sound quality and ease of use between the two options.
Herman: You stated: "Just an FYI for anybody new to the forums.....

Audioengr and Jtinn both are selling something. I've never dealt with either but it is incomprehensible that someone who is selling a product in this category wouldn't have a biased opinion that favors what they sell.

Both are probably swell fellows but take what they say with a grain of salt.

I don't think either Steve or I made it a secret about who we are. I certainly made no mention of my DAC being the only solution or even mentioned my own product.

There is really nothing that anyone needs to be warned about here.