Is it possible to transform the EMM CDSA SE?

2-box and 1-box versions of EMM's CD players -- not the X upgrade or the XDS1 -- have been variously described as "flat" and "2-dimensional" in forum postings. Is it possible to defy these characterizations and elevate the EMM to the world of amazing 3D sound? Let's share our knowledge and experience -- to make EMM a better sonic world.
Flashunlock, Thanks but I did not modd my EMM. I don't need to modd it or buy the X upgrade or the XDS1. I am definitely holding onto it. I have achieved what some claim is impossible. I have used Schumann and other resonance devices -- plus other external "modds" -- to bring my EMM into the world of amazing 3D sound. I find this quite remarkable -- and beyond my expectations -- considering it started off as a 2D player out of the box. It shows what great potential the EMM has. You just need to find ways to unlock that potential. I would be interested in hearing from others if they have had the same experience with their EMM.
So much talk but no one being specific. I would love to hear what you all have tried.

I have mine on stillpoints which in turn is suspended on a spring based plinth on a nice 200 lb rack. Sound is quite good. I also use a nice after market power cord. I think an Elrod last I looked. I just listen to it for SACDs these days. Using a server for redbook / high res and vinyl is a slight notch higher unless the recording sourced was DSD based. Same w. my music server. 24/192 sourced recordings are excellent and easily equal (maybe even better) than vinyl. I think a lot has to do w. the recording. Anyhow, for SACDs I doubt you get much better without going crazy and you still have the issue of how the SACD was produced and many of them have a sonic signature that is easily identified.
Hi Dgad, What is your sound stage like -- height, width, depth, sense of "being there" in 3D?
It depends on the recording mostly. Soundstage is excellent. Decent height, width & depth. I wouldn't say world class but I wasn't at the recording to know. I wish there was a touch more detail and a bit more "power" behind the music. I find the CDSAse slightly softens things on CD and poor SACDs. On good SACD's & DSD based recordings I find the sound excellent and worthy of the price.

I do find high res 24/192 via my Prism Orpheus to be equal to the EMM on DSD sourced SACDs.
Dgad, Our systems are very different. My experience with the EMM CDSA SE was similar to yours -- a softening. But with the various improvements I have made the sound is now very resolving and dynamic. The sound stage is scary realistic. I have ICs in series and PCs in series. All my plugs are Oyaide. I am using ERS paper, magnets and crystals. The 3 latter improvements have made a huge difference in the sound.

I have Synergistic Research Acoustic ART on the way as well as SR Galileo universal speaker cells. Later on I may add a Nordost Quantum Qx4. And that will be it.

I am not familiar with the Prism Orpheus.