Berkeley Alpha vs Weiss 202 vs Ayre QB9 vs ?

I'm looking to upgrade my DAC and am trying to decide between the various high end (well, not crazy high end like DCS) products.

If anyone has any experience with these and can chime in with their thoughts, I'd appreciate it.

Glory, yes personally, I find PD to be a significant upgrade over Berkeley. The biggest improvement is in the lower frequency where I feel Berkeley is a bit sluggish, as it has big,fat bass but a tad slow and a bit less well define. PD improves significantly on that. Midrange on PD is a bit more forward but overall, on most part, I think PD improves upon Berkeley in just about everyway, not always a huge different but I did not find PD lacking in anything in comparison to Berkeley. Whether the improvement is worht $10,000 or not, I am not sure but I also gain SACD capability and an excellent transport as well.
Forgot to add, I also auditioned EMM XDS-1 in my system and heard Esoteric K-3 in comparison to PD but in an unfamiliar system. The EMM unit is very nice, more laid back, a bit more detail than PD but I did not feel that overall it was any better. I actually prefer PD slightly over EMM but another friend of mine prefers EMM. However, considering the price difference, there was nothing much to think about. Beside, EMM can still be a bit quirky when used with computer server for hi rez material.

K-3 is a significant improvement over the older Esoteric. I used to own D05 for awhile. Much smoother midrange and high and lacked the digital glare that I did not like in D05. However, the tonal balance is still a bit too cool and lean for my taste. Another friend who has PD also comapared his to K-3, he preferred his PD but some other friends preferred K-3. So all in all, digital source at this level will depends very much on personal taste as well as the rest of the system.
Suteetat thanks for sharing your information. I don't have to worry about those other units and feel that I am done with digital and very happy with my modright sony.
You have to compare apples to apples, at least when possible. For example, make sure you have the Berkeley USB when comparing the Berkeley Alpha DAC against the Ayre QB9 (both using a USB connection), and so on and so forth.