Esoteric D-05 dac and Oracle transport

Hey guys, I am looking to upgrade my very old Theta Gen Va with an Esoteric D-O5, but I still want to keep my Oracle CD2000 Mk II (because it is soooo gorgeous). A few questions on this:
1. How good is the dac just with regular digital output from my transport? (all the reviews pair it with the matching P-O5 transport).
2. How much am I missing from the dac not being able to get full upsampling?
3. What upsampling choices do I have, other than the obvious dcs purcell (or newer version)? The Purcell is an option I would look at, maybe do this in stages.
Hi Dev;

I am sure I do, since I got it from you. :D

Did you ever use the Kimber illuminations orchid? That is what I currently have. If so, I would love to hear your thoughts on the differences.
D-05 can do all the oversampling to 24/192 or DSD at DAC end so you won't lose upsampling capability when not using Esoteric transport. However whether upsampling is really neccessary, that's a different story.
The only disadvantage I could see by using Oracle transport is the lack of SACD capability.
I have no concerns about SACD at the moment. Should that become an issue in the distant future, I would get a SACD transport, and still keep the oracle. After all, I still listen to records as well. :)
ha-hah!!!! congrats! Please post when you have more time!!! And pls post in comparison to other units, for those of us who may not be as familiar with your specific dac. enjoy.