Why Do You Still Have Vinyl if You Don't Play it?

I own 3,000 plus lp's that I just don't play anymore. I told my 14 year-old son that he can have them when he starts college. He said no thanks, he said that he can carry around that much music in his back pocket in his iPod. I tried to explain to him that if he played LP's in college, he'd easily be one of the coolest students on campus. He told me to "get real" and thanks, but no thanks. I think I just may have to go through the task of grading each LP and selling them off. I've tried to convince myself that I will one day play them. I was just fooling myself. For the last fifteen years, I play one or two LP's a year just for the hell of it. I do like looking at them in their Ikea racks and marvel how I assembled my collection over nearly 40 years. I do like it when visitors comment on them and look through them. Cd's killed my vinyl and now my Squeezebox is finally going to bury it.

How many of you still have a sizeable vinyl collection that you don't play, but refuse to let go of?

I think it's time for me to let go.
If you think its not for you then ditch it and hope for no regret, I dont play vinyl much anymore and my 1000 or so albums really only spin when audio club folks are around. What I like about vinyl is what I grow to hate, the process, cleaning, care are whats great for many of us but its grown old for me. My disability surely adds to frustration, 20 minute sides are hard on us with physical issues.
Still I cant pull the trigger and sell, not yet but completely agree with those who have got to that point, do what works for you.
I keep thinking someday things will change and my vinyl enjoyment will return but if your sure how you feel, sell it off.
My wife was asking the same question. My present setup doesn't include a full function preamp so for the last seven years I've run my cd player into my amp and haven't been able to. Got the itch to play some vinyl again so off to the races we go getting the right combination of "stuff". It's been sooo easy, so simple but it's time to man up and get back to playing my albums of which there are easily over a thousand waiting to be listened to.
Would one want to discard all of thier books once you can do all of your reading on the ipad?
This hobby, at least for me,is not just about, a quick end result. Being a gearhead, means that music coming from a computer file, leaves me cold and unsatisfied.
Taking out an old lp, brings me back to the day and place and time I bought it. Yes 5,000 lps may be way too much to handle, but as my father used to say, its much better to have it than not
Sold mine five or six years ago after realizing they weren't going to get played. I auctioned them off here in sets of ten lps or so. If you go this route don't expect a huge windfall but I didn't do it for the money. Just wanted the lps to go to someone who could appreciate them.
I kept a hundred or so for sentimental reasons but no longer have a tt to play them on. Do I ever miss them? Maybe a little. But I also miss smoking every once in a while.
CDs, and especially my Mac Mini, are just too convenient. And I'm extremely happy with the sound.
If you don't enjoy the ritual, what's the point? It's just a matter of time.
Actually the point of sharing it with others is a great point. Allowing others to buy your unused LPs allows the Vinyl to get used, you to get money stuck in stuff, and the new owner enjoyment of great Lps that have sat for many years.

Just think of all the records sitting unused in folks homes.. Billions...