Lampizator Transport?

Has anyone have any experience with the New Lampizator transport?
I have to agree with Knghifi. I've had SB2, and have SB3 and Duets running - all wired and wirelessly - 24/7 for years. Power outages do nothing to my setup. Everything recovers and automatically re-establishes comms just like it's supposed to. I even have secondary routers inline to branch out network connectivity into my listening room. IME Slimdevices/Logitech's network implementation has been quite robust.

Not sure what kind of network solution is in the Lamp, however.
The solution isn't with the is with the Music Vault. I am no expert..but talked to Neil at Sound Science that sells the MV and was told it could be ran directly to a premium DAC without using a network.

I am a zero network experience guy and when I get home and I have to fiddle with it..I go bonkers.(every couple of months)

Don't get me wrong I love my Modwright TP and my Duet when they are working.

Right now my Duet won't connect and I have tried all my tricks will have to prolly call Logitech to get it up.

For all that don't have problems..count your blessings.
the problems i am having has got nothing to do with my network, its the Lampizator itself. Like i said i have a normal squeezebox Duet and it performs perfectly. It receives a strong signal. The Lampizator with its external antennae fails to connect to the network many times. When it does its signal stength is dismal.For eg: In an area where my network strenth is close to 100%, the normal squeezebox would be constantly be 70% strength. the Lamp would be anywhere from 0%, 2%, 30% or 60%.
When the Lamp is working, it is a glorious sounding machine. Playing hi-rez files really makes one wonder whether it is worthwhile having a Vinyl rig!!!!!

But when its not working, i feel like just chucking the damn thing away. Some days i spend 15 mins just to connect, other days it will not work at all. Its like pot luck whether one gets music or not.Even when its working, there is long buffering, dropouts etc.... which does not affect my CHEAP Duet!!!!!
08-27-11: Scp
I am a zero network experience guy and when I get home and I have to fiddle with it..I go bonkers.(every couple of months)
My guess that's your problem. Problem is probably with your network environment and NOT the MW TP and Duet.

All my friends and I are network/computer savvy. All the Logitech players are just plug and play. No problems with power outages, updates ...

Is your connection problems connecting to Slim server running on a pc/mac or to the SqueezeNetwork? Or to both? Slim Server runs much better on a MAC than Windows.

I suggest asking one of your computer friends to help you debug the problem.