Best Way To Archive Vinyl On My PC

I have a metric $#%&load of vinyl that I'd like to archive on my PC. The native sound card has to go. I already have the PC-to-stereo big rig connection in place, and it functions. Now, I'd like to stereo-to-PC, so I can play all the vinyl using my good TT, into my PC. It looks like there's a movement afoot to go to PCI E sound cards. My current PC has only PCI sockets, so maybe USB is the way to go. I'm not sure. I'll probably go FLAC, WAV, etc. if I can find the space. Right now, all my tunes are high-bitrate MP3s, or M4As.

Any advice on this?
I really wish I could help you achieve your goal, but I can't, although I've downloaded my huge 40 year plus vinyl collection quite successfully. My TT is in mothballs. The "only" limiting factor is the computer "interface". My downloaded vinyl sounds better than before to me. The computer is unlimited, disregard whatever you've heard on this forum that say's the computer is the problem.

The reason I can't help you is because I had to rebuild a computer interface in order to get "audiophile" quality to the computer. If someone can recommend an "audiophile" interface for you to down load to PC, you will be in heaven after this is accomplished.
The PC may change, but the music won't, so I am very concerned about the quality of the sound card.

The integrated sound card makes noise even when there is no music going through it! It has to be turned up, but it is there. The headphone amp is particularly dreadful.

If I could yank the thing out, I'd make it better by running it over with my car. Anything would be an improvement.
Licoricepizza, most of the stuff available is for people who want to download the scratchy LP's they inherited. It's not for "audiophile's". You have to do a lot of research before you spend any money. What I did to get an "audiophile" interface was such a problem, that I can't even recommend that. You will be in Nirvana when you find what you're looking for.

By the way, I'm using WAV and have no complaints.
WAV is always good. FLAC's not bad either. My LP's are all in good shape. I even have a VPI 16.5 to keep them that way (and a good stylus cleaner, too!).
Licorice.....please do NOT need a sound card for your PC, as a matter of fact, it will be irrelevant with a USB DAC. As far as getting the Vinyl onto you computer, I highlighted 1 method via the Korg DSD recorder. This recorder is stupid good.....picture this is probably in alot of studios, certainly utilized by many live recording venues/bands. There is no better digital format than DSD, you can record it in 5.6mhz DSD and then convert it to whatever sample rate you desire.

A poster above recommended a NAD piece which indicates he has never done this and further does not understand what you are trying to accomplish. There is NO higher resolution method than DSD to digitally archive your vinyl. Period! Anyone who has heard my best vinyl recorded in DSD and then played back via my MacMini/Pure Music on my Playback Designs MPD-3 are blown away.

Good luck and please ignore those recommending MP3 turntables and $200 NAD phono stages/DACs and the like. They mean well but have simply not seen enough to know what they are talking about.