Best Way To Archive Vinyl On My PC

I have a metric $#%&load of vinyl that I'd like to archive on my PC. The native sound card has to go. I already have the PC-to-stereo big rig connection in place, and it functions. Now, I'd like to stereo-to-PC, so I can play all the vinyl using my good TT, into my PC. It looks like there's a movement afoot to go to PCI E sound cards. My current PC has only PCI sockets, so maybe USB is the way to go. I'm not sure. I'll probably go FLAC, WAV, etc. if I can find the space. Right now, all my tunes are high-bitrate MP3s, or M4As.

Any advice on this?
Orpheus10, thanks for the reply.

I'm not quite sure where to begin so I will take a pass on commenting on your setup. I'm glad you enjoy your archived vinyl and I am now more confident than ever that your digital and archived digital copies of your vinyl are virtually indistinguishable to your ears. You really do owe it to yourself however to demo a good USB dac in your system. Bypassing your sound card and listening to a ripped CD or downloaded high resolution digital might be a revelation to you. Of course, if after doing so you still prefer your current digital setup then you will be dollars ahead.

Best wishes and enjoy the music.
The Music Streamer II is a USB DAC, and a ripped CD doesn't go through any sound card. I'm at a loss for words, I don't quite know how to respond?
Orpheus, I have been very polite, exceedingly so in my opinion and I would like to keep it that way.

Please note that I said GOOD USB, Wavelength, ARC...there are so many good ones out there that you really should hear the difference if you love music. There is one for every budget as well, especially used.

You have found happiness in your setup and that is cool but for you to pop off about your digital setup is comical. Fire back if you really want to know what I think and I will oblige.....not that I am an expert by any stretch. Can you REALLY see Russia from your house?
Licorice, you have every detail of my set up and I like it a lot. If you have a good phono, which you probably do, line in from line out will give better results than going from the TT. The Music Streamer II is quite cost effective as a USB DAC and I recommend it. Unfortunately, tearing stuff apart, and putting it back together is not for everyone.
Ghasley, there are "Audiophiles" and there are extreme audiophiles who fall into the category of "snob" audiophiles. Everyone on this forum is aware of ARC, but I doubt if hardly anyone is using ARC as a USB DAC. If your budget allows you to indulge in extreme audio, I say "more power to you", maybe one day I'll have that kind of a budget; but today I don't, and honestly I doubt I would use an ARC USB DAC. In the mean time, I'm as happy as a clam with my comical digital setup; peace, and enjoy the music.