Best Way To Archive Vinyl On My PC

I have a metric $#%&load of vinyl that I'd like to archive on my PC. The native sound card has to go. I already have the PC-to-stereo big rig connection in place, and it functions. Now, I'd like to stereo-to-PC, so I can play all the vinyl using my good TT, into my PC. It looks like there's a movement afoot to go to PCI E sound cards. My current PC has only PCI sockets, so maybe USB is the way to go. I'm not sure. I'll probably go FLAC, WAV, etc. if I can find the space. Right now, all my tunes are high-bitrate MP3s, or M4As.

Any advice on this?
Ghasley, your post indicates you are not a "snob", but a sincere audiophile. Assuming I wanted to bring my system up to the standards you aspire to, what sound card, DAC, and other compatible components would I have; including pre amp, amp and speakers.
Orpheus, thanks. I don't know what gear you have other than the digital setup you mentioned in this thread. Rather than hijack this person's thread any further, you should start a new thread, list your gear, set forth a budget that must be adhered to and I will sincerely provide my opinion. The usual disclaimers will apply, I don't consider myself an expert other than to say I have made every mistake you can make in this hobby.

My personal philosophy on archiving vinyl is based on the premise of maximizing the quality of the archive, even if a person's current setup is incapable of reproducing the incremental resolution. We do this because we all recognize that the rest of the system is only as good as what we input.
Licorice, I hope you have derived enough from all of these posts to put a system together that will transfer your vinyl to PC. There is nothing better than to listen to all of your favorite records, with only the cuts that you like, without interruptions for hours on end late at night. The computer playlist is so much better than a R to R in terms of convenience, it's just about the only thing I listen to.

Enjoy the music and good luck.
Licorice, I do recommend the Soundblaster Audigy 2Z5 capturing to WAV line in card, and the highly recommended Music Streamer II only costs $149. It's the best $149. I ever spent since I've been in stereo.

Sorry I can't recommend anything else for an audiophile.

Happy listening and enjoy your music.
Ok Orpheus, i have been holding back but you have to take a step back and listen for a second. I don't know your age nor your demographic but you don't seem to be reading between the lines very well. Your setup for recording your vinyl digitally must be fine for you but it is likely not what the original poster was asking for. Let's review shall we?

If the topic of this thread had been "is there any way to capture vinyl digitally and play it back, regardless of quality, for $300 or less" then you would be the big winner but it wasn't. The original poster was asking if someone was archiving and what they were doing. You answered which is your right however your method is so poor soncially that I am surprised you even felt motivated to post. I think its cool that you enjoy it I really do. But to run your vinyl through that POS DAK piece, into the noisiest environment on Earth(the inside of a PC) equipped with a marginal sound card just makes my head hurt! Your DAC is probably not that bad as far as $150 DACs($75 on the used market) go.

I keep waiting for you to jump out of the bushes with Ashton Kuchar and tell me I have been Punkd but you are evidently serious because you continue to recommend a setup that shows what is possible for a $300 investment, not what is possible for sound quality. The really expensive part of archiving vinyl is one's time. The OP stated he had a metric shytload of vinyl and wanted to archive it.....YOUR METHOD IS NOT EVEN REMOTELY ARCHIVE QUALITY!!!!!