Best Way To Archive Vinyl On My PC

I have a metric $#%&load of vinyl that I'd like to archive on my PC. The native sound card has to go. I already have the PC-to-stereo big rig connection in place, and it functions. Now, I'd like to stereo-to-PC, so I can play all the vinyl using my good TT, into my PC. It looks like there's a movement afoot to go to PCI E sound cards. My current PC has only PCI sockets, so maybe USB is the way to go. I'm not sure. I'll probably go FLAC, WAV, etc. if I can find the space. Right now, all my tunes are high-bitrate MP3s, or M4As.

Any advice on this?
Ghastly, why the need to bash a fellow audiophile? Reading between the lines I do not think the OP was looking for a SOTA archive system.
Orpheus, there are in fact some similarities with the neighborhood analogy. Peaceful, check. Share with others, check. Open to learning from others, check. Each person is different, check. Soundblaster sound cards are not suitable for high quality audio, check. Anyone who says otherwise may be misguided and we should not pick on them, check. For that reason, I will try to refrain from further communication with you. The temptation may prove too attractive, we'll just have to see.

The dialogue with you can be frustrating because you obviously love music, as do I. You won't list your equipment or methods so others may evaluate your position to determine if there is sufficient validation of your assertions. You have now descended into the na-na na-na-na category which I find consistent with your apparent depth of knowledge. Over the course of my almost 30 yearcareer, I have worked with some wonderful people from all walks of life, with all different perspectives and levels of knowledge. Measuring in the thousands by now, I never once worked with anyone like you. I guess I never took the time I'm sorry to say....I typically just let them go and opened the position for someone who had room to grow. Good luck and again, I strongly assert, I am glad you enjoy your music played back through your system, that's all that matters.
Onhwy61, you are correct and I should have just let the thread go its on way, without commentary. I originally just thought that Orpheus didn't know what he was talking about. As far as "state of the art", the Korg is not what I would call state of the art. I would call it a highly effective solution without the need for alot of technical knowledge.

As far as what the original poster was wanting, unlike some, I actually took the time to read some of his posts PRIOR to commenting. I saw where he uses a VPI record cleaner daily and the rituals he uses to play back vinyl I found consistent with those looking for a high quality method. If I misread the intent of the OP, well then my apologies again. As far as picking on Orpheus for his insistence on recommending the Soundblaster, again, I apologize to the community at large.
If the acronym HRT made you think of Hormone Replacement Therapy, let us to introduce you to High Resolution Technologies, a USB DAC specialist.

The Music Streamer II, available through, is its most affordable model, yet it's good enough to make the average laptop sound like proper hi-fi.

Take a look at the input end of the device and there are two clues as to what makes the HRT special.

The first is that there are lights labelled with frequencies from 32k to 96k, indicating that unlike some rivals, the Music Streamer II can handle 24-bit files at 96kHz through USB

The second is the text saying 'asynchronous USB', which shows that it takes charge of clock duties when connected to your computer.

Simply plug your computer into the USB connection on one end, connect your hi-fi using the analogue outputs on the other, and the small but solid HRT handles the digital-to-analogue conversion.

And it does so in serious style. Playing The Far Road from The Road soundtrack, the sound is precise and fluid.

The leading edges of notes are terrifically well-defined, but they degrade with organic subtlety and realism. Detail and dynamics are exceptional, revealing every nuance in the haunting recording.

It's simply a perfectly balanced, bold and beautiful delivery, and for a DAC costing just £150, that's an incredible feat.

Sure, if you've got multiple sources that need converting, something like the Cambridge Audio DacMagic might serve you better, but if you're after a USB-only DAC, this is a great buy.

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After reading all the flames getting slung about, let me clarify my original post. I do have a lot of vinyl (~5,000 LPs), and somehow, I'd like to put them in a digital format so they're easier to ______. I love my vinyl, my TT rig isn't the best, but it damn near kills me to go digital - I'm an analog kind of guy. I'll retain vinyl of my favorites, but most will get converted.

I realize that the PC is full of nasties, but it's great for storage. I just need to find a good way of going from vinyl to digital, while introducing the fewest amount of digital nastiness.