Muse TDA1793 DAC

I got this DAC from ebay after reading reviews and my curiosity for a DAC that might be cheap and good.

It sounds good, quite good...but there is a problem and I am turing to those who might know more than I.

The highs are scratchy and "old record sounding" Its like a bad record playing in the high range only {tweeters}. Not noticeable at low volumes unless your ear is next to the tweeter. I played direct bypassing the dac and the noise is gone so it is not my speakers. Turn it up and its bad. I did not notice this when I first got it but that does not mean it was not there...just never noticed. I have only had it 2 weeks with minimal listening...maybe 30 hours run through it.

Could this be the chip? Power cord? Bad DAC? Anyone?

This is a simple dac chip, contoller and op amp output. The only simple change would be to change the OPA2134 op amp, it in itself has a reasonalbe reputation and I have used it... If you want to do that, I would recommend an LME49720. It is a bit smoother and is found in a fair amount of high end gear and will switch out without issue. Outside of that, it could be that you have champagne taste on a beer budget.... I'm quite familiar with that myself.
Good Luck, Tim
i own the same unit and posted a favorable review on this site--haven't had a noise problem with mine. i'm sure timlub is right and you can address your issue by switching out the opamp, but it is a $50 dac, so i wonder if it's worth the hassle. why not contact the seller and ask if he'll replace your unit?
Thanks! I have sent a note to the seller, but they are in China and not sure if they can read english, but I sent it anyway.

I did buy this with the thought of " even if it sound OK I can still tweak it if I want".

So perhaps I will try your LME49720. I do have another OPA2134 her and I am thinking of switching them out to see if I have a bad OP Amp. Not even sure if its the problem..... I know just enough to be adventurous and not enough to have answers :-)

I do know this unit sounds great outside of the highs....I hope I can get it resolved.

Also I did switch my glass toslink for a plastic one with zero difference.

Timlub, I certainly have champagne taste on a beer budget...I like beer better too :-)

I will keep you posted and hope to find answers.


Loomisjohnson your review is one that I read that made me pull the trigger on this cheap "bargin".

so thank you!!

dusty, i hope i didn't steer you into a lemon...
i don't know the chinese sellers from adam, but from my experience these hk and china-based ebay electronic sellers are fanatical about positive feedback and customer service--they're really working to develop a market here (the main reason, i suspect, that they're selling real quality stuff for virtually nothin). i'd be surprised if you couldn't work 'em for a replacement--let us know.
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