Decent budget Blu-Ray

I'm looking for a decent, inexpensive Blu-Ray player. The cheaper the better. Will be used for movies 99% of the time, on an Epson projector.

Any opinions welcome.
As for a price, I was hoping to be somewhere around the $200-$250 range.

PS3....the elegant solution.

I had thought about going this route. I don't really play games, but I've heard they are pretty good players.
I'd love a PS3.....Too bad it's made by Sony, a company which IMO has gone about as far downhill as possible in some aspects of customers service.

As 'proof', I ask only that you spend a few minutes looking up the RPTV debacle of the last decade.

I'd rather have a couple year old OPPO '83 with a few miles on it run it until it went belly up.
I spent $250 for my first Blu Ray 9Panasonic) last year and the Sony that I just spent $95 for is at least as good.
The machine is plug and play. Who needs customer service? At this price point, who cares about customer service? If it dies after a couple of years by that time the replacement will probably cost as much as a nice toothbrush.