non redbook CD's

Seems as if Audiogon contributors get all agog if a CD player
satisfactorily plays Red Book grade CD's. Shouldn't that be a Minimum criteria; that the ability to play burns and other non Red Book discs is really what we need to know about ?
Elizabeth, CD-RW is the problem . I should feel lucky that I have this problem with a $300 NAD instead of a Wadia, a naim or an Ayon ?
Mezmo. Seems I am guilty of the definition problem. I mean to say that the ability of a player to perform well with commercially manufactured CD's should not impress anyone. I want reviewers to say , "It sucks with my CD burns ", or "It played half my CD-RWs half the time.", or "It played most of my CD-RWs without hesitation" .
Also, MP3 is more of a problem than RW . But since I like to play music and artists I never heard before, I like to see what's playing in the display. Thus, I make my own misery.
Garn - To answer your question, in my case I don't really have or play any "burns" so whether my CDP plays them or not is of no concern. Maybe most are like me which is why reviewers don't mention it.

Just curious - What do you burn, from what, why? It's just something I haven't done much of so I dunno, maybe I'm missing something.
"Also, MP3 is more of a problem than RW"

CD-RW is a problem with older CDP that have weaker lasers since CD-RW has about half of reflection of CD.

Most of DVD players have inherent MP3 playback. They usually have poor sound but decent transport with good tracking. I use cheap DVD player as an addition to Benchmark/MacMini music server.