My first encounter with K2 Mastering

I'd like to share my first experience with K2 mastering. I received Chinese music CD "Red Cliff Capriccio" featuring Wei Li renowned Guzheng player. Guzheng is a string instrument (zither family) that is large horizontal box (size of electric piano) with approx. 20 strings on the top (four octave range). Recording was made in Skylark Studios known for low background noise with close miking that gives more of "orchestral" quality. Expressive power of this instrument is absolutely incredible with powerful transient and loudness while at the same time soft passages are clean and delicate. I've never experienced such purity and dynamics in any recording I have. I don't know what is better in K2 mastering but result is incredible on standard redbook CD. I'm sold - what is your experience with K2 mastering?
Bombaywalla - I found that it is K2HD. Do you know what they do different from regular 24/192 mastering. I can understand better dynamics since they most likely use less compression for "high definition" CDs but purity of sound and air especially at higher pitch string sounds is astounding.
I have purchased 3 K2HD CDs in the last several months; Miles Davis-Kind of Blue, Eagles-Hell Freezes Over, Cat Stevens-Greatest Hits.

I'll admit they are on the pricey side but they're the best CD versions of Kind of Blue and Hell Freezes Over I've ever heard.

Although the Cat Stevens is excellent I don't think it sounds as consistently fine as the other two.
I wonder if magic of K2 HD lies in better mastering-downsampling or it is whole recording-mastering-downsampling process. Such recordings like Kind of Blue cannot be re-recoded.
I meant to answer your question but it slipped my mind! Anyway, better late than never....
In the original K2 & in the newer K2HD processes the key does lie in the A-D conversion from the master tapes/original digital recording and then in the subsequent down-conversion & truncation to 16 bits. Here is some info on the K2HD mastering process:
here is a bit more technical info on JVC's K2 process:

it seems that besides the A/D & down-conversion, the aspects of making a physical disk are also precision controlled.
This reminds me of several (yester year) home-use CD burners (such as the Yamaha) where we could burn longer pits. These burned CDs sounded much better than the commercial CDs but the penalty was that all the tracks not always fitted onto 1 CD.