Dump the Wadia 781?

I love my CDP, after having it modded to Statement by Steve of GNSC.

However with the troubles at Wadia, I wonder if servicing the unit will be an issue in the long run?

My CDP sits on the 2nd tier of an Finite Elemente rack, so I need one with a front loader tray IF I swap.

My dealer thinks the DCS Puccini with U Clock will beat the Wadia. Honestly its the servicing issue that worries me more so than performance. Is this just a sideways move not worth the additional $$?

Rest of system, ARC Ref 5, Lamm 1.2s, Wilson Sasha.
DCS Puccini Ring DAC technology is unique and legit IMHO and sounded very good when I heard it. Pricey though. THis might be a DAC I would strongly consider if price were no object. The transport may not be bullet proof as I recall some flakiness issues with remote operation at the dealer. I expect any item with a $20000 list price to work FLAWLESSLY, GUARANTEED, but that was the only negative.

Soundwise, definitely worth consideration for its unique and sophisticated DAC technology. WHether something sounds better than another or not of course always depends. Read up on DCS and see if you think it might be worth it.

THE DCS Ring Dac technology was licensed to Arcam at one point and is used in some of their more sought after models for much less without the DCS label attached, if you can find one.

From what I have seen and read, in high end audio, it appears definitely true that the name attached to a product definitely helps determine the market value in a BIG almost obscene way, even if the technology under the covers is essentially the same.
I would not consider the dCS Puccini over the Wadia S7i - especially if it has the statement GNSC statement mods. Wadia is more musical than the dCS which sounds very analytial with no soul. The dCS Paganini and Scarlatti on the other hand is another story.
"Wadia is more musical than the dCS which sounds very analytial with no soul."

Anything but when I heard Puccinni played on very high end system with VAC tube amp, vtl pre-amp, TOTL Nordost ICs, and Magico mini.

Orchestral music including massed strings (tough with digital) were totally convincing, among the 2 or three best digital source demos I have heard as a reference in terms of realism.